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Open AccessOpen Access JUSTC Mathematicts Article 31 March 2024

Alternative modified Cholesky decomposition of the precision matrix of longitudinal data

Cite this: JUSTC, 2024, 54(3): 0306
CSTR: 32290.14.JUSTC-2023-0127
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  • Author Bio:

    Fei Lu is currently a lecturer at the College of Science, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University. He received his Ph.D. degree from Beijing University of Technology in 2020. His research mainly focuses on longitudinal data analysis

  • Corresponding author:

    Fei Lu, E-mail:

  • Received Date: August 27, 2023
  • Accepted Date: November 27, 2023
  • Available Online: March 31, 2024
  • The correlation matrix might be of scientific interest for longitudinal data. However, few studies have focused on both robust estimation of the correlation matrix against model misspecification and robustness to outliers in the data, when the precision matrix possesses a typical structure. In this paper, we propose an alternative modified Cholesky decomposition (AMCD) for the precision matrix of longitudinal data, which results in robust estimation of the correlation matrix against model misspecification of the innovation variances. A joint mean-covariance model with multivariate normal distribution and AMCD is established, the quasi-Fisher scoring algorithm is developed, and the maximum likelihood estimators are proven to be consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. Furthermore, a double-robust joint modeling approach with multivariate Laplace distribution and AMCD is established, and the quasi-Newton algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation is developed. The simulation studies and real data analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed AMCD method.

    The framework of the double robust Laplace joint modeling model for longitudinal data.

    • We propose an alternative modified Cholesky decomposition (AMCD) of the precision matrix of longitudinal data, which results in robust estimation of the correlation matrix against model misspecification of the innovation variances.
    • A joint mean-covariance model with multivariate normal distribution and AMCD is established, the quasi-Fisher scoring algorithm is developed, and the maximum likelihood estimators are proved to be consistent and asymptotically normally distributed.
    • A double-robust joint modeling approach with multivariate Laplace distribution and AMCD is established, and the quasi-Newton algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation is developed.


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    Figure  1.   Cattle data: sample regressograms and fitted curves for (a) log-innovation variances and (b) autoregressive coefficients. Solid lines, curves fitted by the proposed AMCD method; dashed lines, 95% pointwise confidence intervals using the bootstrapping method.

    Figure  2.   Sleep dose-response data: (a) trajectories of average reaction time; (b) sample regressograms for log-innovation variances; (c) sample regressograms for autoregressive coefficients.

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