Just Accepted
The “Just Accepted” manuscripts have gone through the peer-review processes and been accepted for publication. The “Just Accepted” manuscripts are uploaded to the JUSTC website after being polished in a timely fashion, prior to technical editing and formatting as well as author proofing. “Just Accepted” is a free service that allows authors to make their results immediately available to the research community upon the acceptance of their manuscripts. Once the manuscripts have been technically edited and formatted, they will be transferred to the “ASAP Articles” website from the “Just Accepted” website. Please be advised that technical editing and formatting may introduce minor changes to the manuscripts which may affect their contents, and all legal disclaimers that apply to JUSTC pertain. In no event shall JUSTC be held responsible for errors or consequences arising from the use of any information contained in the “Just Accepted” manuscripts. To cite the “Just Accepted” manuscripts, please use their Digital Object Identifiers (e.g., doi: 10.52396/JUSTC-202x-0xxx), which remain identical for all formats of their publication.