ISSN 0253-2778

CN 34-1054/N

Open AccessOpen Access JUSTC Original Paper

Population aging, technological progress and economic growth:A research based on the PSTR model

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  • Received Date: 28 February 2019
  • Accepted Date: 10 April 2019
  • Rev Recd Date: 10 April 2019
  • Publish Date: 28 February 2020
  • Using an endogenous growth framework containing the R&D sector, a theoretical model of population aging and technological progress acting on economic growth was constructed. The results of numerical simulation show that aging has a non-linear inhibitory effect on economic growth. Aiming at reflecting the dynamic influence of aging on economic growth, provincial panel data of China from 2005 to 2015 was used to carry out empirical tests with panel smooth transition regression(PSTR) model. The results show that with technological progress as a conversion variable, the negative impact of aging rate on economic growth is smoothed with the improvement of technological progress level, which is characterized as a gradual weakening of nonlinear inhibition. In order to improve the robustness of the conclusion, the elderly dependency ratio was taken as an alternative variable of the aging rate, the robustness test still supports the benchmark test results. In order to eliminate the effect of bidirectional causality between economic growth and population aging, the joint equation model was constructed and the test results are consistent with those of the PSTR model.
    Using an endogenous growth framework containing the R&D sector, a theoretical model of population aging and technological progress acting on economic growth was constructed. The results of numerical simulation show that aging has a non-linear inhibitory effect on economic growth. Aiming at reflecting the dynamic influence of aging on economic growth, provincial panel data of China from 2005 to 2015 was used to carry out empirical tests with panel smooth transition regression(PSTR) model. The results show that with technological progress as a conversion variable, the negative impact of aging rate on economic growth is smoothed with the improvement of technological progress level, which is characterized as a gradual weakening of nonlinear inhibition. In order to improve the robustness of the conclusion, the elderly dependency ratio was taken as an alternative variable of the aging rate, the robustness test still supports the benchmark test results. In order to eliminate the effect of bidirectional causality between economic growth and population aging, the joint equation model was constructed and the test results are consistent with those of the PSTR model.
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  • [1]
    CAI Fang.Demographic transition,population dividend and sustainability of economic growth:Minimum employment as a source of economic growth[J].Population Research,2004,28(2):2-9.
    WEI Z,HAO R. Demographic structure and economic growth:Evidence from China[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,2010,38(4):472-491.
    WU Kangping,NI Xuanming,YIN Junru.Population aging,economic growth and social welfare:Analysis based on the endogenous economic growth model[J].China Journal of Economics,2015,2(1):47-60.
    BARRO R J,MANKIW N G,SALA-I-MARTIN X.Capital mobility in neoclassical models of growth[J].The American Economic Review,1995,85(1):103-115.
    LI Jun.The balanced economic growth path under the aging population[J].The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics,2006,23(8):11-21.
    LIU Qiongzhi,HE Qi.Aging,economic growth,and fiscal policy[J].China Economic Quarterly,2012,11(4):119-134.
    KANFER R,ACKERMAN P.Individual differences in work motivation:Further explorations of a trait framework[J].Applied Psychology,2000,49(3):470-482.
    ACEMOGLU D.Equilibrium bias of technology[J].Econometrica,2007,75(5):1371-1409.
    ANG J B,MADSEN J B.Imitation versus innovation in an aging society:International evidence since 1870[J].Journal of Population Economics,2015,28(2):299-327.
    SOLOW R M.A contribution to the theory of economic growth[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1956,70(1):65-94.
    HU Angang,LIU Shenglong,MA Zhenguo.Population aging,population growth and economic growth:Evidence from China’s provincial panel data[J].Population Research,2012,36(3):14-26.
    FUTAGAMI K,NAKAJIMA T.Population aging and economic growth[J].Journal of Macroeconomics, 2001,1(23):31-44.
    BLOOM D E,CANNING D,FINK G.Implications of population ageing for economic growth[J].Oxford Review of Economic Policy,2010,26(4):583-612.
    QI Chuanjun.Analysis of the impact of population aging on economic growth[J].Chinese Journal of Population Science,2010(S1):54-65.
    ZHANG Xiuwu,LIU Chengkun,ZHAO Xindong.Whether population age structure affects economic growth through human capital:A test based on mediating effect[J].China Soft Science,2018(7):149-158.
    BERK J,WEIL D N.Old teachers,old ideas,and the effect of population aging on economic growth[J].Research in Economics,2015,69(4):661-670.
    QU Dan.An empirical analysis of the impact of population aging on economic growth[J].Journal of Northeast Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences),2015(3):63-66.
    AN C B,JEON S H.Demographic change and economic growth:An inverted-U shape relationship[J].Economics Letters,2006,92(3):447-454.
    刘小勇.老龄化与省际经济增长倒U型关系检验[J].中国人口资源与环境,2013,23(5): 98-105.
    LIU Xiaoyong.An inverse U-shaped relationship between population aging and economic growth [J].China Population,Resources and Environment,2013,23(5):98-105.
    CZAJA S J,LEE C C.The impact of aging on access to technology[J].Universal Access in the Information Society, 2007,5(4):341-349.
    PRSKAWETZ A,MAHLBERG B,SKIRBEKK V,et al. The Impact of Population Ageing on Innovation and Productivity Growth in Europe[M].Wien:Verlag der sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,2006.
    MEYER J.Older workers and the adoption of new technologies in ICT-intensive services[C]// Labour Markets and Demographic Change. Wiesbaden, Germany: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2009:85-119.
    WU Junpei,ZHAO Bin.Population aging,public human capital investment and economic growth[J].Economic Theory and Business Management,2015(10):5-19.
    QI Hongqian,YAN Haichun.Is the aging of the population restraining China’s economic growth?[J].Economic Review,2018(6):28-40.
    DIAMOND P A.National debt in a neoclassical growth model[J].The American Economic Review, 1965,55(5):1126-1150.
    ROMER P M.Endogenous technological change[J].Journal of Political Economy,1990,98(5):71-102.
    PRETTNER K.Population aging and endogenous economic growth[J].Journal of Population Economics,2013,26(2):811-834.
    CHUN Y J.The growth effects of population aging in an economy with endogenous technological progress[J].Korean Economic Review,2013,29(1):51-80.
    WANG Jiaxu,WANG Shujuan.Population aging,technological innovation and economic growth:From the perspective of structural change of factor endowments[J].Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences),2017,37(6):27-38.
    YAN Chengliang,GONG Liutang.Public expenditure,taxation and long-run growth[J].Economic Research Journal,2009,44(06):4-15,51.
    GUO Qingwang,JIA Junxue.Estimating potential output and the output gap in China[J].Economic Research Journal,2004(5):31-39.
    顾六宝,肖红叶.中国消费跨期替代弹性的两种统计估算方法[J].统计研究,2004 (9): 8-11.
    GU Liubao,XIAO Hongye.Two statistical estimation methods for intertemporal substitutional elasticity of Chinese consumption[J].Statistical Research,2004 (9):8-11.
    YAN Chengliang,HU Zhiguo.Innovation driven,tax distortion and long-run growth[J].Economic Research Journal,2013,48(12):55-67.
    程宇丹,龚六堂.政府债务对经济增长的影响及作用渠道[J].数量经济技术经济研究, 2014,31(12):22-37,141.
    CHENG Yudan,GONG Liutang.Government debt and economic growth[J].The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics,2014,31(12):22-37,141.
    GUO Qingwang,JIA Junxue,GAO Li.Central fiscal transfer payment and regional economic growth[J].The Journal of World Economy,2009,32(12):15-26.
    CHU Deyin,HAN Yiduo,ZHANG Tongbin,et al.Chinese fiscal decentralization and efficiency of public service supply:Linear or inverse U-curve[J].China Economic Quarterly,2018,17(3):1259-1288.
    GONZLEZ A,TERSVIRTA T,VAN DIJK D.Panel smooth transition regression models[C]//Working Paper Series of Economics and Finance. Stockholm, Sweden: Stockholm School of Economics, 2005: No.604.
    HANSEN B E.Threshold effects in non-dynamic panels:Estimation,testing,and inference[J].Journal of Econometrics,1999,93(2):345-368.
    BLOOM D E,WILLIAMSON J G.Demographic transitions and economic miracles in emerging Asia[J].The World Bank Economic Review, 1998,12(3):419-455.
    KELLEY A C,SCHMIDT R M.Evolution of recent economic-demographic modeling:A synthesis[J].Journal of Population Economics,2005,18(2):275-300.
    LIU Hongyin. The analysis on population burden ratio’s influencing on economic growth[J].Population & Economics,2008(1):1-6.
    ROMER P M. Increasing return and long-run growth[J]. J Political Econ, 1986, 94 (5): 1002-1037.
    PESARAN M H. General diagnostic tests for cross section dependence in panels[R]. Munich: CESifo, 2004: No. 1229.
    PESARAN M H.A simple panel unit root test in the presence of cross-section dependence[J]. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2007, 22: 265-312.)
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    CAI Fang.Demographic transition,population dividend and sustainability of economic growth:Minimum employment as a source of economic growth[J].Population Research,2004,28(2):2-9.
    WEI Z,HAO R. Demographic structure and economic growth:Evidence from China[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,2010,38(4):472-491.
    WU Kangping,NI Xuanming,YIN Junru.Population aging,economic growth and social welfare:Analysis based on the endogenous economic growth model[J].China Journal of Economics,2015,2(1):47-60.
    BARRO R J,MANKIW N G,SALA-I-MARTIN X.Capital mobility in neoclassical models of growth[J].The American Economic Review,1995,85(1):103-115.
    LI Jun.The balanced economic growth path under the aging population[J].The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics,2006,23(8):11-21.
    LIU Qiongzhi,HE Qi.Aging,economic growth,and fiscal policy[J].China Economic Quarterly,2012,11(4):119-134.
    KANFER R,ACKERMAN P.Individual differences in work motivation:Further explorations of a trait framework[J].Applied Psychology,2000,49(3):470-482.
    ACEMOGLU D.Equilibrium bias of technology[J].Econometrica,2007,75(5):1371-1409.
    ANG J B,MADSEN J B.Imitation versus innovation in an aging society:International evidence since 1870[J].Journal of Population Economics,2015,28(2):299-327.
    SOLOW R M.A contribution to the theory of economic growth[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1956,70(1):65-94.
    HU Angang,LIU Shenglong,MA Zhenguo.Population aging,population growth and economic growth:Evidence from China’s provincial panel data[J].Population Research,2012,36(3):14-26.
    FUTAGAMI K,NAKAJIMA T.Population aging and economic growth[J].Journal of Macroeconomics, 2001,1(23):31-44.
    BLOOM D E,CANNING D,FINK G.Implications of population ageing for economic growth[J].Oxford Review of Economic Policy,2010,26(4):583-612.
    QI Chuanjun.Analysis of the impact of population aging on economic growth[J].Chinese Journal of Population Science,2010(S1):54-65.
    ZHANG Xiuwu,LIU Chengkun,ZHAO Xindong.Whether population age structure affects economic growth through human capital:A test based on mediating effect[J].China Soft Science,2018(7):149-158.
    BERK J,WEIL D N.Old teachers,old ideas,and the effect of population aging on economic growth[J].Research in Economics,2015,69(4):661-670.
    QU Dan.An empirical analysis of the impact of population aging on economic growth[J].Journal of Northeast Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences),2015(3):63-66.
    AN C B,JEON S H.Demographic change and economic growth:An inverted-U shape relationship[J].Economics Letters,2006,92(3):447-454.
    刘小勇.老龄化与省际经济增长倒U型关系检验[J].中国人口资源与环境,2013,23(5): 98-105.
    LIU Xiaoyong.An inverse U-shaped relationship between population aging and economic growth [J].China Population,Resources and Environment,2013,23(5):98-105.
    CZAJA S J,LEE C C.The impact of aging on access to technology[J].Universal Access in the Information Society, 2007,5(4):341-349.
    PRSKAWETZ A,MAHLBERG B,SKIRBEKK V,et al. The Impact of Population Ageing on Innovation and Productivity Growth in Europe[M].Wien:Verlag der sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,2006.
    MEYER J.Older workers and the adoption of new technologies in ICT-intensive services[C]// Labour Markets and Demographic Change. Wiesbaden, Germany: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2009:85-119.
    WU Junpei,ZHAO Bin.Population aging,public human capital investment and economic growth[J].Economic Theory and Business Management,2015(10):5-19.
    QI Hongqian,YAN Haichun.Is the aging of the population restraining China’s economic growth?[J].Economic Review,2018(6):28-40.
    DIAMOND P A.National debt in a neoclassical growth model[J].The American Economic Review, 1965,55(5):1126-1150.
    ROMER P M.Endogenous technological change[J].Journal of Political Economy,1990,98(5):71-102.
    PRETTNER K.Population aging and endogenous economic growth[J].Journal of Population Economics,2013,26(2):811-834.
    CHUN Y J.The growth effects of population aging in an economy with endogenous technological progress[J].Korean Economic Review,2013,29(1):51-80.
    WANG Jiaxu,WANG Shujuan.Population aging,technological innovation and economic growth:From the perspective of structural change of factor endowments[J].Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences),2017,37(6):27-38.
    YAN Chengliang,GONG Liutang.Public expenditure,taxation and long-run growth[J].Economic Research Journal,2009,44(06):4-15,51.
    GUO Qingwang,JIA Junxue.Estimating potential output and the output gap in China[J].Economic Research Journal,2004(5):31-39.
    顾六宝,肖红叶.中国消费跨期替代弹性的两种统计估算方法[J].统计研究,2004 (9): 8-11.
    GU Liubao,XIAO Hongye.Two statistical estimation methods for intertemporal substitutional elasticity of Chinese consumption[J].Statistical Research,2004 (9):8-11.
    YAN Chengliang,HU Zhiguo.Innovation driven,tax distortion and long-run growth[J].Economic Research Journal,2013,48(12):55-67.
    程宇丹,龚六堂.政府债务对经济增长的影响及作用渠道[J].数量经济技术经济研究, 2014,31(12):22-37,141.
    CHENG Yudan,GONG Liutang.Government debt and economic growth[J].The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics,2014,31(12):22-37,141.
    GUO Qingwang,JIA Junxue,GAO Li.Central fiscal transfer payment and regional economic growth[J].The Journal of World Economy,2009,32(12):15-26.
    CHU Deyin,HAN Yiduo,ZHANG Tongbin,et al.Chinese fiscal decentralization and efficiency of public service supply:Linear or inverse U-curve[J].China Economic Quarterly,2018,17(3):1259-1288.
    GONZLEZ A,TERSVIRTA T,VAN DIJK D.Panel smooth transition regression models[C]//Working Paper Series of Economics and Finance. Stockholm, Sweden: Stockholm School of Economics, 2005: No.604.
    HANSEN B E.Threshold effects in non-dynamic panels:Estimation,testing,and inference[J].Journal of Econometrics,1999,93(2):345-368.
    BLOOM D E,WILLIAMSON J G.Demographic transitions and economic miracles in emerging Asia[J].The World Bank Economic Review, 1998,12(3):419-455.
    KELLEY A C,SCHMIDT R M.Evolution of recent economic-demographic modeling:A synthesis[J].Journal of Population Economics,2005,18(2):275-300.
    LIU Hongyin. The analysis on population burden ratio’s influencing on economic growth[J].Population & Economics,2008(1):1-6.
    ROMER P M. Increasing return and long-run growth[J]. J Political Econ, 1986, 94 (5): 1002-1037.
    PESARAN M H. General diagnostic tests for cross section dependence in panels[R]. Munich: CESifo, 2004: No. 1229.
    PESARAN M H.A simple panel unit root test in the presence of cross-section dependence[J]. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2007, 22: 265-312.)

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