ISSN 0253-2778

CN 34-1054/N

Open AccessOpen Access JUSTC Original Paper

Shared-use lane assignment and signal timing optimization at intersections with waiting area

Funds:  Supported by Key Project of Soft Science Foundation in Anhui Province of China (1607a0202074).
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  • Corresponding author: ZHOU Yaping (corresponding author), male, born in 1963, PhD/associate Prof. Research field:Management science and engineering .
  • Received Date: 29 December 2018
  • Accepted Date: 09 April 2019
  • Rev Recd Date: 09 April 2019
  • Publish Date: 28 February 2020
  • Based on the shared-use lane control method of intersection with left-turn waiting area configuration, a comprehensive optimization model with lane allocation and signal timing optimization was proposed to obtain the optimal design of shared-use lane assignment and signal timing, which is a mixed integer nonlinear programming model. A feasible directions method was hence introduced to solve the mixed integer non-linear programming. The research result shows that the improved control method and optimization model effectively improve the traffic efficiency of the intersections and minimize the average delay of the intersection. The comparison between the shared-use configuration with waiting area and the conventional configuration was presented and the result verifies that the former shows better performance than the latter. Besides, the sensitivities of the optimized average delay were investigated, which include the length of waiting area and the arrival rates. The optimal results proposed by the integrated model may enrich the design of signalized intersections with waiting area.
    Based on the shared-use lane control method of intersection with left-turn waiting area configuration, a comprehensive optimization model with lane allocation and signal timing optimization was proposed to obtain the optimal design of shared-use lane assignment and signal timing, which is a mixed integer nonlinear programming model. A feasible directions method was hence introduced to solve the mixed integer non-linear programming. The research result shows that the improved control method and optimization model effectively improve the traffic efficiency of the intersections and minimize the average delay of the intersection. The comparison between the shared-use configuration with waiting area and the conventional configuration was presented and the result verifies that the former shows better performance than the latter. Besides, the sensitivities of the optimized average delay were investigated, which include the length of waiting area and the arrival rates. The optimal results proposed by the integrated model may enrich the design of signalized intersections with waiting area.
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  • [1]
    General Administration of Qualityand Technical Supervision. National Standards of People’s Republic of China: Road Traffic Signs and Markings (GB 5768-1999)[S]. Beijing: Standards Press of China, 1999.(in Chinese)
    General Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision. National Standard Road Traffic Signs and Markings of the People’s Republic of China (Part 3): Road Traffic Markings (GB 5768.3-2009)[S]. Beijing: Standards Press of China, 2009.(in Chinese)
    CHEN Y H, BAI Q W, WEI X Y. Departure processes model for left-turn lanes on waiting area[J]. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 2014, 14(1): 174-179.(in Chinese)
    XUAN Y, DAGANZO C F, CASSIDY M J. Increasing the capacity of signalized intersections with separateleft turn phases[J]. Transportation Research Part B: Methodol, 2011, 45:769-781.
    JIANG X G, ZHANG G P, BAI W,et al. Safety evaluation of signalized intersections with left-turn waiting area in China[J]. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2016, 95(Pt B): 461-469.
    LIU P, WAN J, WANG W, et al. Evaluating the impacts of unconventional outside left-turn lane design on traffic operations at signalized intersections[J]. Transportation Research Record, 2011, 2257:62-70.
    MA W J, LIU Y, ZHAO J, WU N. Increasing thecapacity of signalized intersections with left-turn waiting areas[J]. Transportation Research Part A, 2017, 105:181-196.
    SUN D Z. Using micro-simulation VISSIM to study the effectiveness of left-turn waiting area implementation[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2018, 876:187-191.
    ZHAO X J, HAN Y, YAO J. Effect of waiting area for vehicle emissions[J]. China Water Transport, 2015, 15(12): 160-162.(in Chinese)
    MESSER C J, FAMBRO D B. Effect of signal phasing and length of left-turn bay on capacity[C]// 56th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington DC: Transportation Research Board, 1977.
    AL-KAISY A F, STEWART J A. New approach for developing warrants of protected left-turn phase at signalized intersections[J]. Transportation Research Part A, 2001, 35(6): 561-574.
    YAN X D, RADWAN E. Effect of restricted sight distances on driver behaviors during unprotected left-turn phase at signalized intersections[J]. Transportation Research Part F Traffic Psychology & Behaviour, 2007, 10(4): 330-344.
    LIN F B. Saturation flow and capacity of shared permissive left-turn lane[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 1992, 118(5): 611-630.
    EASA S M, ALI M Z A. Modified guidelines for left-turn lane geometry at intersections[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2005, 131(9): 677-688.
    ZHANG Yunlong, TONG Jiaxin. Modeling left-turn blockage and capacity at signalized intersection with short left-turn bay[J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2008, 2071: 71-76.
    CHANG T H, SUN G Y. Modeling and optimization of an oversaturated signalized network[J]. Transportation Research Part B Methodological, 2004, 38(8): 687-707.
    ZHAO L, PENG X S, LI L,et al. A fast signal timing algorithm for individual oversaturated intersections[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2011, 12(1): 280-283.
    ZHU H B, LEI L, DAI S Q. Two-lane traffic simulations with a blockage induced by an accident car[J]. Physica A Statistical Mechanics & Its Applications, 2009, 388(14): 2903-2910.
    KRONPRASERT N, KIKUCHI S. Determining lengths of left-turn lanes at signalized intersections under different left-turn signal schemes[J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2010, 2195(2195): 70-81.
    QI Y G,GUO L, YU L, TENG H L. Estimation of design lengths of left-turn lanes[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2012, 138(3): 274-283.
    IMPROTA G, CANTARELLA G E. Control system design for an individual signalized junction[J]. Transportation Research Part B Methodological, 1984, 18(2):147-167.
    GALLIVAN S, HEYDECKER B. Optimizing the control performance of traffic signals at a single junction[J]. Transportation Research Part B Methodological, 1988, 22(5): 357-370.
    SILCOCK J P. Designing signal-controlled junctions for group-based operation[J]. Transportation Research Part A Policy & Practice, 1997, 31(2): 157-173.
    FOY M D, BENEKOHAL R F, GOLDBERG D E. Signal timing determination using genetic algorithms[J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1992, 1365: 108-115.
    PARK B. Traffic signal optimization program for oversaturated conditions:Genetic algorithm approach[J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1999, 1683(1): 133-142.
    CEYLAN H, BELL M G H. Traffic signal timing optimization based on genetic algorithm approach, including drivers’ routing[J]. Transportation Research Part B Methodological, 2004, 38(4):329-342.
    MU F F, ZHANG H Z. Signaltiming optimization at single-point intersection based on genetic algorithm[J]. Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, 2015, 37(6): 600-604.(in Chinese)
    LI X, LIU Y, ZHOU J,et al. An optimization model of traffic signal cooperative timing based on improved GA[J]. Industrial Instrumentation & Automation, 2017(4):125-130. (in Chinese)
    MURAT Y S, GEDIZLIOGLU E. A fuzzy logic multi-phased signal control model for isolated junctions[J]. Transportation Research Part C, 2005, 13(1): 19-36.
    CHEN C, WONG C K, HEYDECKER B G. Adaptive traffic signal control using approximate dynamic programming[J]. Transportation Research Part C, 2009, 17(5): 456-474.
    TEODOROVI?倢 D, VARADARAJAN V, POPOVIC' J,et al. Dynamic programming-neural network real-time traffic adaptive signal control algorithm[J]. Annals of Operations Research, 2006, 143(1): 123-131.
    ZHU X N, LONG B. Bi-level programming model of timingoptimization for multiple bus priority intersection[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2014, 14(1):103-111.(in Chinese)
    JIANG Y, LI S, SHAMO D E. A platoon-based traffic signal timing algorithm for major-minor intersection types[J]. Transportation Research Part B Methodological, 2006, 40(7): 543-562.
    TIAN Z Z, WU N. Probabilistic model for signalized intersectioncapacity with a short right-turn lane[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2006, 132(3):205-212.
    HUANG H Q. Application and simulation of signal timing method based on multi-objective joint optimization[J]. Journal of Guangxi University of Science and Technology, 2018, 29(3): 102-107.(in Chinese)
    SHU L Z, WU J, WANG C. Urban traffic signal control based on deep reinforcement learning[J]. Journal of Computer Applications, 2019, 39(5): 1495-1499.(in Chinese)
    LAM W H K, POON A C K, MUNG G K S. Integrated model for lane-use and signal-phase designs[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 1997, 123(2):114-122.
    WONG C K, WONG S C. Lane-based optimization of signal timings for isolated junctions[J]. Transportation Research Part B Methodological, 2003, 37(1): 63-84.
    WONG C K, HEYDECKER B G. Optimal allocation of turns to lanes at an isolated signal-controlled junction[J]. Transportation Research Part B Methodological, 2011, 45(4): 667-681.
    JANSON B N, FINOCHIO M R. Estimation of de facto left-turn lanes at signalized intersections[C]// Traffic Flow Theory and Highway Capacity. Washington DC: Transportation Research Board, 2001: 100-105.
    BONNESON J A. Lane volume and saturation flow rate for multilane intersection approach[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 1998, 124(3): 240-245.
    ZHOU Y P, ZHUANG H B. Traffic performance in signalized intersection with shared lane and left-turn waiting area established[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2012, 138(7): 852-862.
    WEBSTER F V. Traffic signal settings[C]// Road Research Technical Paper No. 39. London: Road Research Laboratory, 1958.)
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    General Administration of Qualityand Technical Supervision. National Standards of People’s Republic of China: Road Traffic Signs and Markings (GB 5768-1999)[S]. Beijing: Standards Press of China, 1999.(in Chinese)
    General Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision. National Standard Road Traffic Signs and Markings of the People’s Republic of China (Part 3): Road Traffic Markings (GB 5768.3-2009)[S]. Beijing: Standards Press of China, 2009.(in Chinese)
    CHEN Y H, BAI Q W, WEI X Y. Departure processes model for left-turn lanes on waiting area[J]. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 2014, 14(1): 174-179.(in Chinese)
    XUAN Y, DAGANZO C F, CASSIDY M J. Increasing the capacity of signalized intersections with separateleft turn phases[J]. Transportation Research Part B: Methodol, 2011, 45:769-781.
    JIANG X G, ZHANG G P, BAI W,et al. Safety evaluation of signalized intersections with left-turn waiting area in China[J]. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2016, 95(Pt B): 461-469.
    LIU P, WAN J, WANG W, et al. Evaluating the impacts of unconventional outside left-turn lane design on traffic operations at signalized intersections[J]. Transportation Research Record, 2011, 2257:62-70.
    MA W J, LIU Y, ZHAO J, WU N. Increasing thecapacity of signalized intersections with left-turn waiting areas[J]. Transportation Research Part A, 2017, 105:181-196.
    SUN D Z. Using micro-simulation VISSIM to study the effectiveness of left-turn waiting area implementation[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2018, 876:187-191.
    ZHAO X J, HAN Y, YAO J. Effect of waiting area for vehicle emissions[J]. China Water Transport, 2015, 15(12): 160-162.(in Chinese)
    MESSER C J, FAMBRO D B. Effect of signal phasing and length of left-turn bay on capacity[C]// 56th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington DC: Transportation Research Board, 1977.
    AL-KAISY A F, STEWART J A. New approach for developing warrants of protected left-turn phase at signalized intersections[J]. Transportation Research Part A, 2001, 35(6): 561-574.
    YAN X D, RADWAN E. Effect of restricted sight distances on driver behaviors during unprotected left-turn phase at signalized intersections[J]. Transportation Research Part F Traffic Psychology & Behaviour, 2007, 10(4): 330-344.
    LIN F B. Saturation flow and capacity of shared permissive left-turn lane[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 1992, 118(5): 611-630.
    EASA S M, ALI M Z A. Modified guidelines for left-turn lane geometry at intersections[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2005, 131(9): 677-688.
    ZHANG Yunlong, TONG Jiaxin. Modeling left-turn blockage and capacity at signalized intersection with short left-turn bay[J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2008, 2071: 71-76.
    CHANG T H, SUN G Y. Modeling and optimization of an oversaturated signalized network[J]. Transportation Research Part B Methodological, 2004, 38(8): 687-707.
    ZHAO L, PENG X S, LI L,et al. A fast signal timing algorithm for individual oversaturated intersections[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2011, 12(1): 280-283.
    ZHU H B, LEI L, DAI S Q. Two-lane traffic simulations with a blockage induced by an accident car[J]. Physica A Statistical Mechanics & Its Applications, 2009, 388(14): 2903-2910.
    KRONPRASERT N, KIKUCHI S. Determining lengths of left-turn lanes at signalized intersections under different left-turn signal schemes[J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2010, 2195(2195): 70-81.
    QI Y G,GUO L, YU L, TENG H L. Estimation of design lengths of left-turn lanes[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2012, 138(3): 274-283.
    IMPROTA G, CANTARELLA G E. Control system design for an individual signalized junction[J]. Transportation Research Part B Methodological, 1984, 18(2):147-167.
    GALLIVAN S, HEYDECKER B. Optimizing the control performance of traffic signals at a single junction[J]. Transportation Research Part B Methodological, 1988, 22(5): 357-370.
    SILCOCK J P. Designing signal-controlled junctions for group-based operation[J]. Transportation Research Part A Policy & Practice, 1997, 31(2): 157-173.
    FOY M D, BENEKOHAL R F, GOLDBERG D E. Signal timing determination using genetic algorithms[J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1992, 1365: 108-115.
    PARK B. Traffic signal optimization program for oversaturated conditions:Genetic algorithm approach[J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1999, 1683(1): 133-142.
    CEYLAN H, BELL M G H. Traffic signal timing optimization based on genetic algorithm approach, including drivers’ routing[J]. Transportation Research Part B Methodological, 2004, 38(4):329-342.
    MU F F, ZHANG H Z. Signaltiming optimization at single-point intersection based on genetic algorithm[J]. Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, 2015, 37(6): 600-604.(in Chinese)
    LI X, LIU Y, ZHOU J,et al. An optimization model of traffic signal cooperative timing based on improved GA[J]. Industrial Instrumentation & Automation, 2017(4):125-130. (in Chinese)
    MURAT Y S, GEDIZLIOGLU E. A fuzzy logic multi-phased signal control model for isolated junctions[J]. Transportation Research Part C, 2005, 13(1): 19-36.
    CHEN C, WONG C K, HEYDECKER B G. Adaptive traffic signal control using approximate dynamic programming[J]. Transportation Research Part C, 2009, 17(5): 456-474.
    TEODOROVI?倢 D, VARADARAJAN V, POPOVIC' J,et al. Dynamic programming-neural network real-time traffic adaptive signal control algorithm[J]. Annals of Operations Research, 2006, 143(1): 123-131.
    ZHU X N, LONG B. Bi-level programming model of timingoptimization for multiple bus priority intersection[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2014, 14(1):103-111.(in Chinese)
    JIANG Y, LI S, SHAMO D E. A platoon-based traffic signal timing algorithm for major-minor intersection types[J]. Transportation Research Part B Methodological, 2006, 40(7): 543-562.
    TIAN Z Z, WU N. Probabilistic model for signalized intersectioncapacity with a short right-turn lane[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2006, 132(3):205-212.
    HUANG H Q. Application and simulation of signal timing method based on multi-objective joint optimization[J]. Journal of Guangxi University of Science and Technology, 2018, 29(3): 102-107.(in Chinese)
    SHU L Z, WU J, WANG C. Urban traffic signal control based on deep reinforcement learning[J]. Journal of Computer Applications, 2019, 39(5): 1495-1499.(in Chinese)
    LAM W H K, POON A C K, MUNG G K S. Integrated model for lane-use and signal-phase designs[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 1997, 123(2):114-122.
    WONG C K, WONG S C. Lane-based optimization of signal timings for isolated junctions[J]. Transportation Research Part B Methodological, 2003, 37(1): 63-84.
    WONG C K, HEYDECKER B G. Optimal allocation of turns to lanes at an isolated signal-controlled junction[J]. Transportation Research Part B Methodological, 2011, 45(4): 667-681.
    JANSON B N, FINOCHIO M R. Estimation of de facto left-turn lanes at signalized intersections[C]// Traffic Flow Theory and Highway Capacity. Washington DC: Transportation Research Board, 2001: 100-105.
    BONNESON J A. Lane volume and saturation flow rate for multilane intersection approach[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 1998, 124(3): 240-245.
    ZHOU Y P, ZHUANG H B. Traffic performance in signalized intersection with shared lane and left-turn waiting area established[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2012, 138(7): 852-862.
    WEBSTER F V. Traffic signal settings[C]// Road Research Technical Paper No. 39. London: Road Research Laboratory, 1958.)

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