[1] |
MAZUR Z, KUBIAK J, VILLELA A, et al. Gas turbine rotor straightening: Case history[R]. Chicago, IL: Illinois Inst of Tech, 1999.
[2] |
NGUYEN N. The collective impact of service workers and servicescape on the corporate image formation[J]. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2006, 25(2): 227-244.
[3] |
何志毅,王广富. 企业家形象与企业品牌形象的关系[J]. 经济管理, 2005(7): 47-50.
[4] |
PINCUS J D, RAYFIELD R E, DEBONIS J N. Transforming CEOs into chief communications officers[J]. Public Relations Journal, 1991, 47(11): 22-27.
[5] |
PLUMMER J L. Is the value of a firm the upper limit of future lost profits in business litigation?[J]. Business Valuation Review, 1995, 14(4): 161-173.
[6] |
MIZERSKI R W. An attribution explanation of the disproportionate influence of unfavorable information[J]. Journal of Consumer Research, 1982, 9(3): 301-310.
[7] |
WHITE D W, GODDARD L, WILBUR N. The effects of negative information transference in the celebrity endorsement relationship[J]. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 2009, 37(4): 322-335.
[8] |
BROMLEY D B. Reputation, Image and Impression Management[M]. Oxford, England: John Wiley, 1993.
[9] |
黄静, 王新刚,张司飞,等. 企业家违情与违法行为对品牌形象的影响[J]. 管理世界, 2010(5):96-107,188.HUANG Jing, WANG Xingang, ZHANG Sifei, et al. The effect of entrepreneurs’ feeling-hurting and their law-violating behaviors on the brand image[J]. Management World, 2010(5): 96-107,188.
[10] |
VIINIKAINEN J, HEINECKB G, BCKERMAN P, et al. Born entrepreneurs? Adolescents’ personality characteristics and entrepreneurship in adulthood[J]. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 2017, 8: 9-12.
[11] |
VOTOLA N L, UNNAVA H R. Spillover of negative information on brand alliances[J]. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2006, 16(2): 196-202.
[12] |
SOHN Y, LARISCY R W. A “buffer” or “boomerang?”: The role of corporate reputation in bad times[J]. Communication Research, 2015, 42(2): 237-259.
[13] |
BIEL A L. How brand image drives brand equity[J]. Journal of Advertising Research, 1992, 32(6):RC-6-RC-12.
[14] |
BHATTACHARYA C B, SEN S. Consumer-company identification: A framework for understanding consumers’ relationships with companies[J]. Journal of Marketing, 2003, 67(2): 76-88.
[15] |
李惠璠,罗海成,姚唐. 企业形象对顾客态度忠诚与行为忠诚的影响模型——来自零售银行业的证据[J]. 管理评论, 2012, 24(6): 88-97.LI Huifan, LUO Haicheng, YAO Tang.The impact of corporate image on customer attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty:Evidence from China’s retail banking industry[J]. Management Review, 2012, 24(6): 88-97.
[16] |
陈晓东. 企业家形象、企业形象、产品形象探微[J]. 苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2001(1): 50-55.CHEN Xiaodong.On entrepreneurs’ image, corporate image and product image[J].Academic Journal of Suzhou University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2001(1): 50-55.
[17] |
朱丽娅,王新刚,雍少宏. 消费者视角下企业家形象研究述评与展望[J]. 商业时代, 2014(6): 102-103.
[18] |
THOMSON M, MACINNIS D J, PARK C W. The ties that bind: Measuring the strength of consumers’ emotional attachments to brands[J]. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2005, 15(1): 77-91.
[19] |
彭志红. 消费者对企业家负面曝光事件的评价机制及企业家应对策略的研究[D]. 武汉:武汉大学,2014.
[20] |
D’ASTOUS A, CARRILLAT F A. Power imbalance issues in athlete sponsorship versus endorsement in the context of a scandal[J]. European Journal of Marketing, 2014, 48: 1070-1091.
[21] |
LOHNEISS A, HILL B. The impact of processing athlete transgressions on brand image and purchase intent[J]. European Sport Management Quarterly, 2014, 14(2): 171-193.
[22] |
DITTO P H, PIZARRO D A, TANNENBAUM D. Motivated moral reasoning[J]. Psychology of Learning and Motivation, 2009, 50: 307-338.
[23] |
KUNDA Z. The case formotivated reasoning[J]. Psychological Bulletin, 1990, 108(3): 480-498.
[24] |
王良燕,韩冰,黄夏晶,等. 道德推理过程与品牌危机类型对消费意愿的影响研究[J]. 上海管理科学, 2015, 37(5): 44-50.WANG Liangyan, HAN Bing, HUANG Xiajing, et al. Research on the impact of reasoning process and brand crisis types on consumption intent[J]. Shanghai Management Science, 2015, 37(5): 44-50.
[25] |
LEEJ S, KWAK D H, BRAUNSTEIN-MINKOVE J R. Coping with athlete endorsers’ immoral behavior: Roles of athlete identification and moral emotions on moral reasoning strategies[J]. Journal of Sport Management, 2016, 30(2): 176-191.
[26] |
LEE J S, KWAK D H, MOORE D. Athletes’ transgressions and sponsor evaluations: A focus on consumers’ moral reasoning strategies[J]. Journal of Sport Management, 2015, 29(6): 672-687.
[27] |
TSANG J A. Moral rationalization and the integration of situational factors and psychological processes in immoral behavior[J]. Review of General Psychology, 2002, 6(1): 25-50.
[28] |
BHATTACHARJEE A, BERMAN J Z, REED Ⅱ A. Tip of the hat, wag of the finger: How moral decoupling enables consumers to admire and admonish[J]. Journal of Consumer Research, 2013, 39(6): 1167-1184.
[29] |
LAROCHE M, SADOKIERSKI R. Role of confidence in a multi-brand model of intentions for a high-involvement service[J]. Journal of Business Research, 2004, 29(1): 1-12.
[30] |
范忠信.情理法与中国人[M]. 北京:北京大学出版社,2011.
[31] |
张少卿,赵明. 代言明星负面行为对品牌态度的影响研究——基于感知道德评价的视角[J]. 北京社会科学, 2016(9): 91-98.ZHANG Shaoqing, ZHAO Ming. The influence on brand attitude of the negative behavior of star endorsement: From the perspective of moral evaluation[J].Social Science of Beijing, 2016(9): 91-98.
[32] |
MAXHAMⅢ J G , NETEMEYER R G. A longitudinal study of complaining customers’ evaluations of multiple service failures and recovery efforts[J]. Journal of Marketing, 2002, 66(4): 57-71.
[33] |
BANDURA A,BARBARANELLI C, CAPRARA G V, et al. Mechanisms of moral disengagement in the exercise of moral agency[J]. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1996, 71(2): 364-374.
[34] |
ZHOU L, WHITLA P. How negative celebrity publicity influences consumer attitudes: The mediating role of moral reputation[J]. Journal of Business Research, 2013, 66(8): 1013-1020.)
[1] |
MAZUR Z, KUBIAK J, VILLELA A, et al. Gas turbine rotor straightening: Case history[R]. Chicago, IL: Illinois Inst of Tech, 1999.
[2] |
NGUYEN N. The collective impact of service workers and servicescape on the corporate image formation[J]. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2006, 25(2): 227-244.
[3] |
何志毅,王广富. 企业家形象与企业品牌形象的关系[J]. 经济管理, 2005(7): 47-50.
[4] |
PINCUS J D, RAYFIELD R E, DEBONIS J N. Transforming CEOs into chief communications officers[J]. Public Relations Journal, 1991, 47(11): 22-27.
[5] |
PLUMMER J L. Is the value of a firm the upper limit of future lost profits in business litigation?[J]. Business Valuation Review, 1995, 14(4): 161-173.
[6] |
MIZERSKI R W. An attribution explanation of the disproportionate influence of unfavorable information[J]. Journal of Consumer Research, 1982, 9(3): 301-310.
[7] |
WHITE D W, GODDARD L, WILBUR N. The effects of negative information transference in the celebrity endorsement relationship[J]. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 2009, 37(4): 322-335.
[8] |
BROMLEY D B. Reputation, Image and Impression Management[M]. Oxford, England: John Wiley, 1993.
[9] |
黄静, 王新刚,张司飞,等. 企业家违情与违法行为对品牌形象的影响[J]. 管理世界, 2010(5):96-107,188.HUANG Jing, WANG Xingang, ZHANG Sifei, et al. The effect of entrepreneurs’ feeling-hurting and their law-violating behaviors on the brand image[J]. Management World, 2010(5): 96-107,188.
[10] |
VIINIKAINEN J, HEINECKB G, BCKERMAN P, et al. Born entrepreneurs? Adolescents’ personality characteristics and entrepreneurship in adulthood[J]. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 2017, 8: 9-12.
[11] |
VOTOLA N L, UNNAVA H R. Spillover of negative information on brand alliances[J]. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2006, 16(2): 196-202.
[12] |
SOHN Y, LARISCY R W. A “buffer” or “boomerang?”: The role of corporate reputation in bad times[J]. Communication Research, 2015, 42(2): 237-259.
[13] |
BIEL A L. How brand image drives brand equity[J]. Journal of Advertising Research, 1992, 32(6):RC-6-RC-12.
[14] |
BHATTACHARYA C B, SEN S. Consumer-company identification: A framework for understanding consumers’ relationships with companies[J]. Journal of Marketing, 2003, 67(2): 76-88.
[15] |
李惠璠,罗海成,姚唐. 企业形象对顾客态度忠诚与行为忠诚的影响模型——来自零售银行业的证据[J]. 管理评论, 2012, 24(6): 88-97.LI Huifan, LUO Haicheng, YAO Tang.The impact of corporate image on customer attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty:Evidence from China’s retail banking industry[J]. Management Review, 2012, 24(6): 88-97.
[16] |
陈晓东. 企业家形象、企业形象、产品形象探微[J]. 苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2001(1): 50-55.CHEN Xiaodong.On entrepreneurs’ image, corporate image and product image[J].Academic Journal of Suzhou University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2001(1): 50-55.
[17] |
朱丽娅,王新刚,雍少宏. 消费者视角下企业家形象研究述评与展望[J]. 商业时代, 2014(6): 102-103.
[18] |
THOMSON M, MACINNIS D J, PARK C W. The ties that bind: Measuring the strength of consumers’ emotional attachments to brands[J]. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2005, 15(1): 77-91.
[19] |
彭志红. 消费者对企业家负面曝光事件的评价机制及企业家应对策略的研究[D]. 武汉:武汉大学,2014.
[20] |
D’ASTOUS A, CARRILLAT F A. Power imbalance issues in athlete sponsorship versus endorsement in the context of a scandal[J]. European Journal of Marketing, 2014, 48: 1070-1091.
[21] |
LOHNEISS A, HILL B. The impact of processing athlete transgressions on brand image and purchase intent[J]. European Sport Management Quarterly, 2014, 14(2): 171-193.
[22] |
DITTO P H, PIZARRO D A, TANNENBAUM D. Motivated moral reasoning[J]. Psychology of Learning and Motivation, 2009, 50: 307-338.
[23] |
KUNDA Z. The case formotivated reasoning[J]. Psychological Bulletin, 1990, 108(3): 480-498.
[24] |
王良燕,韩冰,黄夏晶,等. 道德推理过程与品牌危机类型对消费意愿的影响研究[J]. 上海管理科学, 2015, 37(5): 44-50.WANG Liangyan, HAN Bing, HUANG Xiajing, et al. Research on the impact of reasoning process and brand crisis types on consumption intent[J]. Shanghai Management Science, 2015, 37(5): 44-50.
[25] |
LEEJ S, KWAK D H, BRAUNSTEIN-MINKOVE J R. Coping with athlete endorsers’ immoral behavior: Roles of athlete identification and moral emotions on moral reasoning strategies[J]. Journal of Sport Management, 2016, 30(2): 176-191.
[26] |
LEE J S, KWAK D H, MOORE D. Athletes’ transgressions and sponsor evaluations: A focus on consumers’ moral reasoning strategies[J]. Journal of Sport Management, 2015, 29(6): 672-687.
[27] |
TSANG J A. Moral rationalization and the integration of situational factors and psychological processes in immoral behavior[J]. Review of General Psychology, 2002, 6(1): 25-50.
[28] |
BHATTACHARJEE A, BERMAN J Z, REED Ⅱ A. Tip of the hat, wag of the finger: How moral decoupling enables consumers to admire and admonish[J]. Journal of Consumer Research, 2013, 39(6): 1167-1184.
[29] |
LAROCHE M, SADOKIERSKI R. Role of confidence in a multi-brand model of intentions for a high-involvement service[J]. Journal of Business Research, 2004, 29(1): 1-12.
[30] |
范忠信.情理法与中国人[M]. 北京:北京大学出版社,2011.
[31] |
张少卿,赵明. 代言明星负面行为对品牌态度的影响研究——基于感知道德评价的视角[J]. 北京社会科学, 2016(9): 91-98.ZHANG Shaoqing, ZHAO Ming. The influence on brand attitude of the negative behavior of star endorsement: From the perspective of moral evaluation[J].Social Science of Beijing, 2016(9): 91-98.
[32] |
MAXHAMⅢ J G , NETEMEYER R G. A longitudinal study of complaining customers’ evaluations of multiple service failures and recovery efforts[J]. Journal of Marketing, 2002, 66(4): 57-71.
[33] |
BANDURA A,BARBARANELLI C, CAPRARA G V, et al. Mechanisms of moral disengagement in the exercise of moral agency[J]. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1996, 71(2): 364-374.
[34] |
ZHOU L, WHITLA P. How negative celebrity publicity influences consumer attitudes: The mediating role of moral reputation[J]. Journal of Business Research, 2013, 66(8): 1013-1020.)