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ORE O. A note on Hamiltonian circuits[J]. Amer. Math Monthly, 1960, 67: 55.
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TANG Y, YAN G. An approximate Ore-type result for tight Hamilton cycles in uniform hypergraphs[J]. Discrete Math, 2017, 340: 1528-1534.
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CZYGRINOW A, MOLLA T. Tight codegree condition for the existence of loose Hamilton cycles in 3-graphs[J]. SIAM J. Discrete Math, 2014, 28(1): 67-76.
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HN H, SCHACHT M. Dirac-type results for loose Hamilton cycles in uniform hypergraphs[J]. J.Comb. Theory Ser. B, 2010, 100: 332-346.)
[1] |
ORE O. A note on Hamiltonian circuits[J]. Amer. Math Monthly, 1960, 67: 55.
[2] |
TANG Y, YAN G. An approximate Ore-type result for tight Hamilton cycles in uniform hypergraphs[J]. Discrete Math, 2017, 340: 1528-1534.
[3] |
CZYGRINOW A, MOLLA T. Tight codegree condition for the existence of loose Hamilton cycles in 3-graphs[J]. SIAM J. Discrete Math, 2014, 28(1): 67-76.
[4] |
HN H, SCHACHT M. Dirac-type results for loose Hamilton cycles in uniform hypergraphs[J]. J.Comb. Theory Ser. B, 2010, 100: 332-346.)