ISSN 0253-2778

CN 34-1054/N

Open AccessOpen Access JUSTC Original Paper

Joint application of reflection and refraction seismic exploration approach to piedmont buried fault at complex geotectonic conditions

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  • Received Date: 25 January 2015
  • Accepted Date: 03 March 2016
  • Rev Recd Date: 03 March 2016
  • Publish Date: 30 August 2016
  • Seismic reflection and refraction exploration techniques have its advantages and limitations to exploring the piedmont buried fault in front of mountain at that complex segment in geotectonic aspect. So a joint of reflection and refraction seismic exploration approach is applied for this case and make best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages to infer the location, nature and preliminary activity of the faults. Here, seismic reflection and refraction are jointed to detect the Qizhou segment of the Xiangfan-Guangji fault belt and yield a high-precision time profile of reflection and velocity profile of refraction. These results illustrate a sequence in the shallow and a variation velocity of whole strata. Therefore, the main rupture location, fault property and activity were characterized to be a fault belt rather than a single fault. So its believed that this joint exploration is not only a universal significance in methodology but also an important data for the evaluation of the fault activity surrounding the civil engineering.
    Seismic reflection and refraction exploration techniques have its advantages and limitations to exploring the piedmont buried fault in front of mountain at that complex segment in geotectonic aspect. So a joint of reflection and refraction seismic exploration approach is applied for this case and make best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages to infer the location, nature and preliminary activity of the faults. Here, seismic reflection and refraction are jointed to detect the Qizhou segment of the Xiangfan-Guangji fault belt and yield a high-precision time profile of reflection and velocity profile of refraction. These results illustrate a sequence in the shallow and a variation velocity of whole strata. Therefore, the main rupture location, fault property and activity were characterized to be a fault belt rather than a single fault. So its believed that this joint exploration is not only a universal significance in methodology but also an important data for the evaluation of the fault activity surrounding the civil engineering.
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    ZHAO Chengbin, LIU Baojin, JI Jifa, et al. The application of integrated geophysical techniques to the investigation of geological hazards[J].Geophysical & Geochemical Exploration, 2001, 25(6): 464-468.
    赵成斌,刘保金,姬继法,等. 综合物探方法在地质灾害调查中的应用研究[J]. 物探与化探,2001, 25(6): 464-468.
    ZHU Tao, HE Zhengqin, FENG Rui, et al. Experiment on joint detection by seismic reflection and electrical imaging: with an example of exploration of active fault in Zibo city[J].Seismology and Geology, 2007, 29(2): 373-380.
    朱涛,何正勤,冯锐,等. 地震-电成像联合探测试验——以淄博市活断层探测为例[J]. 地震地质,2007, 29(2): 373-380.
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    HE Zhengqin, PAN Hua, HU Gang, et al. Study on the seismic exploration method to detect buried fault in the site of Nuclear Power Plant[J]. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2010, 53(2): 326-334.
    何正勤,潘华,胡刚,等. 核电厂址隐伏断裂探测中的地震勘探方法研究[J]. 地球物理学报,2010,53(2): 326-334.
    NOBES D C. Troubled waters: Environmental applications of electrical and electromagnetic methods[J]. Surveys in Geophysics, 1996, 17(4): 393-454.
    CHEN Yong, LI Yijin. Seismic wave radar research: Using active source to detect continental crust structure[J].Journal of University of Science And Technology of China, 2007, 37(8): 813-819.
    陈颙,李宜晋. 地震波雷达研究展望:用人工震源探测大陆地壳结构[J]. 中国科学技术大学学报,2007, 37(8): 813-819.
    ZHAN Yan, ZHAO Guoze, WANG Lifeng, et al. Deep structure in Shijiazhuang and the vicinity by magnetotellurics[J].Seismology and Geology, 2011, 33(4): 913-927.
    詹艳,赵国泽,王立凤,等. 河北石家庄地区深部结构大地电磁探测[J]. 地震地质,2011, 33(4): 913-927.
    XU Mingcai, GAO Jinghua, RONG Lixin, et al. Seismic analysis of the active character of the Taihang Mountain piedmont fault[J]. Applied Geophysics, 2010, 7(4): 392-398.
    FENG Xijie, TIAN Qinjian, SHEN Xuhui. Analysis of activity difference of the west section of the Weihe fault [J].Geological Review, 2003, 49(3): 233-238.
    冯希杰,田勤俭,申旭辉. 渭河断裂西段活动差异性分析[J]. 地质论评,2003, 49(3): 233-238.
    SHI Yaqin, FENG Xijie, DAI Wangqiang, et al. Distribution and structural characteristics of the Xian section of the Weihe fault[J].Acta Seismologica Sinica, 2008, 30(6): 634-647.
    师亚芹,冯希杰,戴王强,等. 渭河断裂西安段的展布及其结构特征[J]. 地震学报,2008, 30(6): 634-647.
    LIANG Shangyong, SHI Shenglin, JI Hongjun. Application of joint reflection and refraction exploration in JR area[J].Geophysical Prospecting for Petroleum, 2003, 42(2): 186-190.
    梁尚勇,石生林,季红军. 反射和折射波联合地震勘探在JR地区的应用[J]. 石油物探,2003, 42(2): 186-190.
    DONG Yunpeng, ZHANG Guowei, YAO Anping, et al. Deformation and evolution of the Sanligang- Sanyang tectonic mélange belt along the west sector of Xiangfan-Guangji fault[J].Chinese Journal of Geology (Scientia Geologica Sinica), 2003, 38(4): 425-436.
    董云鹏,张国伟,姚安平,等. 襄樊-广济断裂西段三里岗-三阳构造混杂岩带构造变形与演化[J]. 地质科学,2003, 38(4): 425-436.
    LEI Dongning, CAI Yongjian, YU Song, et al. Discussion on characteristic activity of Xiangfan-Guangji fault since the Quaternary, Hubei[J].Geological Science and Technology Information, 2011, 30(6): 38-43, 54.
    雷东宁,蔡永建,余松,等. 湖北襄樊-广济断裂第四纪活动特征初步探讨[J]. 地质科技情报,2011, 30(6): 38-43, 54.
    HBGME. The Regional Geology of Hubei Province[M]. Beijing: Geological Publishing House,1990.
    湖北省地矿局. 湖北省区域地质志[M]. 北京: 地质出版社,1990.
    YANG Kunguang, CHENG Wanqiang, ZHU Qingbo, et al. A discussion on two times southward thrusting of Xiangfan-Guangji fault in South Dabie Orogen, Central China[J].Geological Review, 2011, 57(4): 480-494.
    杨坤光,程万强,朱清波,等. 论大别山南缘襄樊-广济断裂的两次向南逆冲推覆[J]. 地质论评,2011, 57(4): 480-494.
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    TIAN Shengqing. Faults investigation and evaluation for seismic safety assessment of nuclear power plants[J].Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2006, 1(1): 25-30.
    田胜清. 核电厂地震安全性评价中的断裂构造调查与评价[J]. 震灾防御技术,2006, 1(1): 25-30.
    DENG Qidong, XU Xiwei, ZHANG Xiankang, et al. Methods and techniques for surveying and prospecting active faults in urban areas[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2003, 10(1): 93-104.
    邓起东,徐锡伟,张先康,等. 城市活动断裂探测的方法和技术[J]. 地学前缘,2003, 10(1): 93-104.
    CAI Hangsheng, CAI Zhenjing. The application of aero magnetic survey to the selection of sites for a nuclear power station in China [J].Geophysical & Geochemical Exploration, 1995, 19(5): 341-350.
    蔡航升,蔡振京. 航空磁测在我国核电站选址中的应用[J]. 物探与化探,1995, 19(5): 341-350.
    XU Mingcai, GAO Jinghua, CAI Mingtao, et al. Seismic technique applied to active fault assessment[J].Geology and Prospecting, 1999, 35(1): 36-40.
    徐明才,高景华,柴明涛,等. 应用于评价活动断层的地震方法技术[J]. 地质与勘探,1999, 35(1): 36-40.
    ZHAO Chengbin, LIU Baojin, JI Jifa, et al. The application of integrated geophysical techniques to the investigation of geological hazards[J].Geophysical & Geochemical Exploration, 2001, 25(6): 464-468.
    赵成斌,刘保金,姬继法,等. 综合物探方法在地质灾害调查中的应用研究[J]. 物探与化探,2001, 25(6): 464-468.
    ZHU Tao, HE Zhengqin, FENG Rui, et al. Experiment on joint detection by seismic reflection and electrical imaging: with an example of exploration of active fault in Zibo city[J].Seismology and Geology, 2007, 29(2): 373-380.
    朱涛,何正勤,冯锐,等. 地震-电成像联合探测试验——以淄博市活断层探测为例[J]. 地震地质,2007, 29(2): 373-380.
    ZHAO Chengbin, YUAN Hongke, LI Deqing, et al. Exploration and study of buried faults under a loose overburden[J].Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2007, 27(2): 107-113.
    赵成斌,袁洪克,李德庆,等. 松散覆盖层内隐伏断层探测研究[J]. 大地测量与地球动力学,2007, 27(2): 107-113.
    LIU Baojin, ZHANG Xiankang, FENG Shaoying, et al. High-resolution seismic reflection profile across Pengzhou buried fault in the frontal areas of Longmen Shan[J].Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2009, 52(2): 538-546.
    刘保金,张先康,酆少英,等. 龙门山山前彭州隐伏断裂高分辨率地震反射剖面[J]. 地球物理学报,2009, 52(2): 538-546.
    HE Zhengqin, PAN Hua, HU Gang, et al. Study on the seismic exploration method to detect buried fault in the site of Nuclear Power Plant[J]. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2010, 53(2): 326-334.
    何正勤,潘华,胡刚,等. 核电厂址隐伏断裂探测中的地震勘探方法研究[J]. 地球物理学报,2010,53(2): 326-334.
    NOBES D C. Troubled waters: Environmental applications of electrical and electromagnetic methods[J]. Surveys in Geophysics, 1996, 17(4): 393-454.
    CHEN Yong, LI Yijin. Seismic wave radar research: Using active source to detect continental crust structure[J].Journal of University of Science And Technology of China, 2007, 37(8): 813-819.
    陈颙,李宜晋. 地震波雷达研究展望:用人工震源探测大陆地壳结构[J]. 中国科学技术大学学报,2007, 37(8): 813-819.
    ZHAN Yan, ZHAO Guoze, WANG Lifeng, et al. Deep structure in Shijiazhuang and the vicinity by magnetotellurics[J].Seismology and Geology, 2011, 33(4): 913-927.
    詹艳,赵国泽,王立凤,等. 河北石家庄地区深部结构大地电磁探测[J]. 地震地质,2011, 33(4): 913-927.
    XU Mingcai, GAO Jinghua, RONG Lixin, et al. Seismic analysis of the active character of the Taihang Mountain piedmont fault[J]. Applied Geophysics, 2010, 7(4): 392-398.
    FENG Xijie, TIAN Qinjian, SHEN Xuhui. Analysis of activity difference of the west section of the Weihe fault [J].Geological Review, 2003, 49(3): 233-238.
    冯希杰,田勤俭,申旭辉. 渭河断裂西段活动差异性分析[J]. 地质论评,2003, 49(3): 233-238.
    SHI Yaqin, FENG Xijie, DAI Wangqiang, et al. Distribution and structural characteristics of the Xian section of the Weihe fault[J].Acta Seismologica Sinica, 2008, 30(6): 634-647.
    师亚芹,冯希杰,戴王强,等. 渭河断裂西安段的展布及其结构特征[J]. 地震学报,2008, 30(6): 634-647.
    LIANG Shangyong, SHI Shenglin, JI Hongjun. Application of joint reflection and refraction exploration in JR area[J].Geophysical Prospecting for Petroleum, 2003, 42(2): 186-190.
    梁尚勇,石生林,季红军. 反射和折射波联合地震勘探在JR地区的应用[J]. 石油物探,2003, 42(2): 186-190.
    DONG Yunpeng, ZHANG Guowei, YAO Anping, et al. Deformation and evolution of the Sanligang- Sanyang tectonic mélange belt along the west sector of Xiangfan-Guangji fault[J].Chinese Journal of Geology (Scientia Geologica Sinica), 2003, 38(4): 425-436.
    董云鹏,张国伟,姚安平,等. 襄樊-广济断裂西段三里岗-三阳构造混杂岩带构造变形与演化[J]. 地质科学,2003, 38(4): 425-436.
    LEI Dongning, CAI Yongjian, YU Song, et al. Discussion on characteristic activity of Xiangfan-Guangji fault since the Quaternary, Hubei[J].Geological Science and Technology Information, 2011, 30(6): 38-43, 54.
    雷东宁,蔡永建,余松,等. 湖北襄樊-广济断裂第四纪活动特征初步探讨[J]. 地质科技情报,2011, 30(6): 38-43, 54.
    HBGME. The Regional Geology of Hubei Province[M]. Beijing: Geological Publishing House,1990.
    湖北省地矿局. 湖北省区域地质志[M]. 北京: 地质出版社,1990.
    YANG Kunguang, CHENG Wanqiang, ZHU Qingbo, et al. A discussion on two times southward thrusting of Xiangfan-Guangji fault in South Dabie Orogen, Central China[J].Geological Review, 2011, 57(4): 480-494.
    杨坤光,程万强,朱清波,等. 论大别山南缘襄樊-广济断裂的两次向南逆冲推覆[J]. 地质论评,2011, 57(4): 480-494.

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