Mobile user propagation capability evaluation and coverage optimization algorithm
The distribution efficiency of mobile advertising is extremely important for both advertisers and users. Few studies have been conducted on efficient ad delivery, especially user tracing and the budget. In order to obtain a feasible and effective mobile advertising distribution policy, the concept of location-centric mobile crowd sourcing network was presented to replace the traditional user-centric networks and platforms, in which the location information for advertizing distribution plays a crucial role. Therefore, the user selection under the interested area coverage(interested area coverage, IAC) region was mainly focused upon. However, research centering on location information we need requires the consideration of the temporal characteristics of each user, and effective calculation of the ICA. The problem will be more difficult to solve when considering the budget constraint. To address these challenges, considering the location sensitive mobile advertising applications, and a user selection solution was proposed, which was proved to be an NP-hard budget-constrained problem. Then, the submodularity problem was explored and a simple and effective heuristic was presented whose approximate ratio is(1-