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HE Y, ZHANG J. Random yield risk sharing in a two-level supply chain[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2008, 112(2): 769-781.
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CHO S H, TANG C S. Advance selling in a supply chain under uncertain supply and demand[J]. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2013,15(2): 305-319.
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YAN X, WANG Y, HONG Z. Comparison of Bertrand and Cournot competitions under random yield[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2015, 54(11): 1-21.
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赵霞, 吴方卫. 随机产出与需求下农产品供应链协调的收益共享合同研究[J]. 中国管理科学, 2009, 17(5): 88-95.
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王道平, 程蕾, 李锋. 产出不确定的农产品供应链协调问题研究[J]. 控制与决策, 2012, 27(6): 881-885.
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凌六一, 郭晓龙, 胡中菊, 等. 基于随机产出与随机需求的农产品供应链风险共担合同[J]. 中国管理科学, 2013, 21(2): 50-57.
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TANG S Y, KOUVELIS P. Pay-back-revenue-sharing contract in coordinating supply chains with random yield[J]. Production and Operations Management, 2014.23(12): 2089-2102.
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GAWANDE K, HOEKMAN B. Why governments tax or subsidize trade: Evidence from agriculture[R]. SSRN: CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP7787, 2010.
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SUMNER D A. Farm subsidy tradition and modern agricultural realities[J]. The 2007 Farm Bill and Beyond, 2007: 29-33.
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HOEKMAN B, OLARREAGA M, NG F. Reducing agricultural tariffs versus domestic support: what’s more important for developing countries?[R]. SSRN: World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No.2918, 2002.
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顾和军. 农业税减免、粮食直接补贴政策对我国主要农产品国际竞争力的影响[J]. 国际贸易问题, 2008(8): 42-48.
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王思舒, 王志刚, 钟意. 我国农业补贴政策对农产品生产的保护效应研究[J]. 经济纵横, 2011(4): 59-62.
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王姣, 肖海峰. 我国良种补贴, 农机补贴和减免农业税政策效果分析[J]. 农业经济问题, 2007(2): 24-28.
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李强. 农业补贴对中国农产品国际竞争力的影响[J]. 改革与战略, 2015,31(11): 100-103.)
[1] |
ARROW K J, KARLIN S, SCARF H. Studies in the Mathematical Theory of Inventory and Production[M]. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1958.
[2] |
LEVITAN R E. The optimum reject allowance problem[J]. Management Science, 1960, 6(2): 172-186.
[3] |
YANO C A, Lee H L. Lot sizing with random yields: A review[J]. Operations Research, 1995, 43(2): 311-334.
[4] |
BOLLAPRAGADA S, MORTON T E. Myopic heuristics for the random yield problem[J]. Operations Research, 1999, 47(5): 713-722.
[5] |
LI Q, ZHENG S. Joint inventory replenishment and pricing control for systems with uncertain yield and demand[J]. Operations Research, 2006, 54(4): 696-705.
[6] |
HE Y, ZHANG J. Random yield risk sharing in a two-level supply chain[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2008, 112(2): 769-781.
[7] |
CHO S H, TANG C S. Advance selling in a supply chain under uncertain supply and demand[J]. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2013,15(2): 305-319.
[8] |
YAN X, WANG Y, HONG Z. Comparison of Bertrand and Cournot competitions under random yield[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2015, 54(11): 1-21.
[9] |
赵霞, 吴方卫. 随机产出与需求下农产品供应链协调的收益共享合同研究[J]. 中国管理科学, 2009, 17(5): 88-95.
[10] |
王道平, 程蕾, 李锋. 产出不确定的农产品供应链协调问题研究[J]. 控制与决策, 2012, 27(6): 881-885.
[11] |
凌六一, 郭晓龙, 胡中菊, 等. 基于随机产出与随机需求的农产品供应链风险共担合同[J]. 中国管理科学, 2013, 21(2): 50-57.
[12] |
TANG S Y, KOUVELIS P. Pay-back-revenue-sharing contract in coordinating supply chains with random yield[J]. Production and Operations Management, 2014.23(12): 2089-2102.
[13] |
GAWANDE K, HOEKMAN B. Why governments tax or subsidize trade: Evidence from agriculture[R]. SSRN: CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP7787, 2010.
[14] |
SUMNER D A. Farm subsidy tradition and modern agricultural realities[J]. The 2007 Farm Bill and Beyond, 2007: 29-33.
[15] |
HOEKMAN B, OLARREAGA M, NG F. Reducing agricultural tariffs versus domestic support: what’s more important for developing countries?[R]. SSRN: World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No.2918, 2002.
[16] |
顾和军. 农业税减免、粮食直接补贴政策对我国主要农产品国际竞争力的影响[J]. 国际贸易问题, 2008(8): 42-48.
[17] |
王思舒, 王志刚, 钟意. 我国农业补贴政策对农产品生产的保护效应研究[J]. 经济纵横, 2011(4): 59-62.
[18] |
王姣, 肖海峰. 我国良种补贴, 农机补贴和减免农业税政策效果分析[J]. 农业经济问题, 2007(2): 24-28.
[19] |
曹帅, 林海, 曹慧. 中国农业补贴政策变动趋势及其影响分析[J]. 公共管理学报, 2012, 19(4): 55-63.
[20] |
李强. 农业补贴对中国农产品国际竞争力的影响[J]. 改革与战略, 2015,31(11): 100-103.)