[1] |
代幼渝, 杨莹. 人民币境外NDF汇率、境内远期汇率与即期汇率的关系的实证研究[J]. 国际金融研究, 2007(10): 72-80.DAI Youyu, YANG Ying. Empirical research on the relationships of RMB onshore spot, forward and NDF markets[J]. Studies of International Finance, 2007(10): 72-80.
[2] |
徐剑刚, 李治国, 张晓蓉. 人民币NDF与即期汇率的动态关联性研究 [J]. 财经研究, 2007(09): 61-68.XU Jiangang, LI Zhiguo, ZHANG Xiaorong. Research on dynamics of the RMB spot and NDF [J]. Journal of Finance and Economics, 2007(09): 61-68.
[3] |
YAN Min, BA Shusong. Who does the pricing of forward markets belong to: An empirical research and policy inspiration [J]. Economic Science, 2010(01): 72-84.
[4] |
贺晓博. 境外人民币NDF和境内人民币掉期之间关系的实证研究 [J]. 国际金融研究, 2009(06): 90-96.HE Xiaobo. Empirical research on the relationships of RMB offshore NDF and onshore swaps [J]. Studies of International Finance, 2009(6): 90-96.
[5] |
李娜, 朱弘鑫. 在岸即期汇率市场与离岸CNH远期、NDF三者交易逻辑及价格发现的实证研究 [J]. 中国外资, 2013(8): 24-26.LI Na, ZHU Hongxin. Empirical research on price discovery between onshore spot, offshore forward and NDF markets [J]. Foreign Investment in China, 2013(8):24-26.
[6] |
张喜玲. 离岸与在岸人民币汇率动态关联:基于CNH、CNY、DF和NDF市场的实证分析 [J]. 西南金融, 2014(02): 36-39.ZHANG Xiling. Dynamics in the onshore and offshore RMB exchange rate markets: Based on empirical research on CNH, CNY, DF and NDF [J]. Southwest Finance, 2014(02): 36-39.
[7] |
COLAVECCHIO R, FUNKE M. Volatility transmissions between Renminbi and Asia-Pacific onshore and offshore U.S. dollar futures [J]. China Economic Review, 2008, 19(4): 635-648.
[8] |
HE D, CHEUNG L, ZHANG W, et al. How would capital account liberalization affect Chinas capital flows and the renminbi real exchange rates? [J]. China & World Economy, 2012, 20(6): 29-54.
[9] |
PARK J. Information flows between non-deliverable forward (NDF) and spot markets: Evidence from Korean currency [J]. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2001, 9(4): 363-377.
[10] |
WANG K L, FAWSON C, Chen M L, et al. Characterizing information flows among spot, deliverable forward and non-deliverable forward exchange rate markets: A cross-country comparison [J]. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2014, 27: 115-137.
[11] |
GU L, MCNELIS P D. Yen/Dollar volatility and Chinese fear of floating: Pressures from the NDF market [J]. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2013, 22: 37-49.
[12] |
WANG Xi, ZHENG Xuefeng. Development of information transduction between onshore and offshore forward markets [J]. Studies of International Finance, 2009(11): 45-54.
[13] |
HASBROUCK J. One security, many markets: Determining the contributions to price discovery [J]. Journal of Finance, 1995, 50: 1 175-1 199.
[14] |
EUN C S, SABHERWAL S. Cross-border listings and price discovery: Evidence from U.S.-listed Canadian stocks [J]. The Journal of Finance, 2003, 58(2): 549-576.
[15] |
FIGUEROLA-FERRETTI I, GILBERT G L. Price discovery in the aluminum market [J]. The Journal of Futures Markets, 2005, 25(10): 967-98.
[16] |
LUTKEPOHL H, POSKITT D S. Estimating orthogonal impulse responses via vector autoregressive models[J]. Econometric Theory, 1991, 7(4): 487-496.
[17] |
CALLEN J L, LUKE M W, KWAN C C Y. Spot and forward exchange rates: A causality analysis [J]. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 1989, 16(l): 105-118.
[18] |
HE Xiaobo, ZHANG Xiaomei. Empirical research on price discovery of RMB onshore and offshore exchange rate [J]. Studies of International Finance, 2012(6): 58-66.
[19] |
伍戈, 裴诚. 境内外人民币汇率价格关系的定量研究[J]. 金融研究, 2012(09): 62-73.WU Ge, PEI Cheng. Quantitative research of onshore and offshore RMB exchange rate markets price relationships[J]. Journal of Financial Research, 2012(9): 62-73.
[20] |
FUNKE M, GRONWALD M. The undisclosed renminbi basket: Are the markets telling us something about where the renminbi-US dollar exchange rate is going? [J]. The World Economy, 2008, 31(12): 1 581-1 598.
[21] |
CHEUNG Y W, RIME D. The offshore renminbi exchange rate: Microstructure and links to the onshore market[J]. Journal of International Money and Finance, 2014, 49: 170-189.
[1] |
代幼渝, 杨莹. 人民币境外NDF汇率、境内远期汇率与即期汇率的关系的实证研究[J]. 国际金融研究, 2007(10): 72-80.DAI Youyu, YANG Ying. Empirical research on the relationships of RMB onshore spot, forward and NDF markets[J]. Studies of International Finance, 2007(10): 72-80.
[2] |
徐剑刚, 李治国, 张晓蓉. 人民币NDF与即期汇率的动态关联性研究 [J]. 财经研究, 2007(09): 61-68.XU Jiangang, LI Zhiguo, ZHANG Xiaorong. Research on dynamics of the RMB spot and NDF [J]. Journal of Finance and Economics, 2007(09): 61-68.
[3] |
YAN Min, BA Shusong. Who does the pricing of forward markets belong to: An empirical research and policy inspiration [J]. Economic Science, 2010(01): 72-84.
[4] |
贺晓博. 境外人民币NDF和境内人民币掉期之间关系的实证研究 [J]. 国际金融研究, 2009(06): 90-96.HE Xiaobo. Empirical research on the relationships of RMB offshore NDF and onshore swaps [J]. Studies of International Finance, 2009(6): 90-96.
[5] |
李娜, 朱弘鑫. 在岸即期汇率市场与离岸CNH远期、NDF三者交易逻辑及价格发现的实证研究 [J]. 中国外资, 2013(8): 24-26.LI Na, ZHU Hongxin. Empirical research on price discovery between onshore spot, offshore forward and NDF markets [J]. Foreign Investment in China, 2013(8):24-26.
[6] |
张喜玲. 离岸与在岸人民币汇率动态关联:基于CNH、CNY、DF和NDF市场的实证分析 [J]. 西南金融, 2014(02): 36-39.ZHANG Xiling. Dynamics in the onshore and offshore RMB exchange rate markets: Based on empirical research on CNH, CNY, DF and NDF [J]. Southwest Finance, 2014(02): 36-39.
[7] |
COLAVECCHIO R, FUNKE M. Volatility transmissions between Renminbi and Asia-Pacific onshore and offshore U.S. dollar futures [J]. China Economic Review, 2008, 19(4): 635-648.
[8] |
HE D, CHEUNG L, ZHANG W, et al. How would capital account liberalization affect Chinas capital flows and the renminbi real exchange rates? [J]. China & World Economy, 2012, 20(6): 29-54.
[9] |
PARK J. Information flows between non-deliverable forward (NDF) and spot markets: Evidence from Korean currency [J]. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2001, 9(4): 363-377.
[10] |
WANG K L, FAWSON C, Chen M L, et al. Characterizing information flows among spot, deliverable forward and non-deliverable forward exchange rate markets: A cross-country comparison [J]. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2014, 27: 115-137.
[11] |
GU L, MCNELIS P D. Yen/Dollar volatility and Chinese fear of floating: Pressures from the NDF market [J]. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2013, 22: 37-49.
[12] |
WANG Xi, ZHENG Xuefeng. Development of information transduction between onshore and offshore forward markets [J]. Studies of International Finance, 2009(11): 45-54.
[13] |
HASBROUCK J. One security, many markets: Determining the contributions to price discovery [J]. Journal of Finance, 1995, 50: 1 175-1 199.
[14] |
EUN C S, SABHERWAL S. Cross-border listings and price discovery: Evidence from U.S.-listed Canadian stocks [J]. The Journal of Finance, 2003, 58(2): 549-576.
[15] |
FIGUEROLA-FERRETTI I, GILBERT G L. Price discovery in the aluminum market [J]. The Journal of Futures Markets, 2005, 25(10): 967-98.
[16] |
LUTKEPOHL H, POSKITT D S. Estimating orthogonal impulse responses via vector autoregressive models[J]. Econometric Theory, 1991, 7(4): 487-496.
[17] |
CALLEN J L, LUKE M W, KWAN C C Y. Spot and forward exchange rates: A causality analysis [J]. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 1989, 16(l): 105-118.
[18] |
HE Xiaobo, ZHANG Xiaomei. Empirical research on price discovery of RMB onshore and offshore exchange rate [J]. Studies of International Finance, 2012(6): 58-66.
[19] |
伍戈, 裴诚. 境内外人民币汇率价格关系的定量研究[J]. 金融研究, 2012(09): 62-73.WU Ge, PEI Cheng. Quantitative research of onshore and offshore RMB exchange rate markets price relationships[J]. Journal of Financial Research, 2012(9): 62-73.
[20] |
FUNKE M, GRONWALD M. The undisclosed renminbi basket: Are the markets telling us something about where the renminbi-US dollar exchange rate is going? [J]. The World Economy, 2008, 31(12): 1 581-1 598.
[21] |
CHEUNG Y W, RIME D. The offshore renminbi exchange rate: Microstructure and links to the onshore market[J]. Journal of International Money and Finance, 2014, 49: 170-189.