[1] |
BARRO R J. Government spending in a simple model of endogeneous growth [J]. Journal of Political Economy, 1990, 98(5): 103-125.
[2] |
LEVINE R. Stock markets, growth, and tax policy [J]. The Journal of Finance, 1991, 46(4): 1445-1465.
[3] |
MENDOZA E G, MILESI-FERRETTI G M, ASEA P. On the ineffectiveness of tax policy in altering long-run growth: Harbergers superneutrality conjecture[J].Journal of Public Economics,1997,66(1): 99-126.
[4] |
BLEANEY M, GEMMELL N, KNELLERR. Testing the endogenous growth model public expenditure, taxation, and growth over the long run[J].Canadian Journal of Economics, 2001, 34(1): 36-57.
[5] |
CHEN B L. Economic growth with an optimal public spending composition [J]. Oxford Economic Papers, 2006, 58(1): 123-136.
[6] |
NOVALES A., PREZ R., RUIZ J. Optimal time-consistent fiscal policy in an endogenous growth economy with public consumption and capital [J]. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2014, 42(10): 104-117.
[7] |
Milesi-Ferrett G M, Roubini N. Growth effects of income and consumption taxes: Positive and normative analysis[R]. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1995: NBER Working Paper No. 5317.
[8] |
TURNOVSKY S J. Fiscal policy, growth, and macroeconomic performance in a small open economy[J]. Journal of International Economics, 1996, 40:41-66.
[9] |
CORSETTI G, ROUBININ. Optimal government spending and taxation in endogenous growth models[J].Journal of Public Economy,1996, 60(1) :21-44.
[10] |
DENAUX Z S. Endogenous growth, taxes and government spending: Theory and evidence [J].Review of Development Economics, 2007, 11(1): 124-138.
[11] |
ELDER R W, LAWRENCE B, FERGUSON A. The effectiveness of tax policy interventions for reducing excessive alcohol consumption and related harms[J]. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2010, 38(2): 217-229.
[12] |
ANDREYEVA T, CHALOUPKA F J, BROWNELL K D. Estimating the potential of taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages to reduce consumption and generate revenue[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2011,52: 413-416.
[13] |
ERCOLANI V, PAVONI N. The effect of government consumption on private consumption: Macro evidence from micro data [R]. mimeo Bocconi University and UCL: Job Market Paper, 2008.
[14] |
习甜,王燕武.税收负担、税制结构与居民消费——中国经验的检验[J].公共经济研究, 2013(1):1-7.XI Tian, WANG Yanwu. Tax burden, tax structure and household consumption: Empirical analysis based on Chinas panel data[J]. Public Economics Studies, 2013(1):1-7.
[15] |
武彦民,张远.我国财税政策与居民消费的实证分析[J].税务研究, 2011(2):24-29.
[16] |
储德银,闫伟.税收政策与居民消费需求——基于结构效应视角的新思考[J].经济理论与经济管理, 2012(3): 53-63.CHU Deyin, YAN Wei. Tax policies and residents consumption demand: A new thought based on structure effects[J]. Economic Theory and Business Management, 2012(3): 53-63.
[17] |
李香菊,周丽珠.扩大我国居民消费的税收政策研究——基于税收对消费影响的实证分析[J].财贸经济,2013(2):18-27.LI Xiangju, ZHOU Lizhu. Research on taxation policy of expanding residents consumption: Based on the empirical analysis on influence of taxation on consumption[J]. Finance & Trade Economics, 2013(2): 18-27.
[18] |
龚六堂,邹恒甫.政府花费、税收、政府转移支付和内生经济增长[J]. 中国科学基金, 2000(1):15-18.GONG Liutang, ZOU Hengfu. Public expenditures, taxes, federal transfer, and endogenous growth[J]. Bulletin of National Science Foundation of China, 2000(1):15-18.
[19] |
龚六堂,邹恒甫. 财政政策、政策与国外经济援助[J].经济研究, 2001(3):29-40.GONG Liutang, ZOU Hengfu. Foreign aid, public spending, optimal fiscal and monetary policies, and long-run growth[J]. Economic Research Journal, 2001(3):29-40.
[20] |
[21] |
马拴友.税收结构与经济增长的实证分析——兼论我国的最优直接税/间接税结构[J].经济理论与经济管理,2001(7):15-20.MA Shuanyou. Positive analysis of tax structure and economic growth[J]. Economic Theory and Business Management, 2001(7):15-20.
[22] |
刘初旺.我国消费、劳动和资本有效税率估计及其国际比较[J].财经论丛,2004(7):9-16.LIU Chuwang. Evaluation and international comparison of average effective tax rate of consumption labour and capital of China[J]. Collected Essays on Finance and Economics, 2004(7):9-16.
[23] |
李凯,张生勃.中国资本、劳动、消费的有效税率测算——基于2003-2010年数据的实证研究[J].税务经济研究,2012(4):83-89.LI Kai, ZHANG Shengbo. The calculation of China’s tax rate of capital, labor and consumption [J]. Taxation Economic Research, 2004(7): 9-16.
[24] |
贺俊,吴照?.财政分权、 经济增长与城乡收入差距——基于省际面板数据的分析[J].当代财经, 2013(5): 27-38.HE Jun, WU Zhaoyan. Fiscal decentralization, economic growth and urban-rural income gap: An analysis based on inter-provincial panel date[J]. Contemporary Finance & Economics, 2013(5): 27-38.)
[1] |
BARRO R J. Government spending in a simple model of endogeneous growth [J]. Journal of Political Economy, 1990, 98(5): 103-125.
[2] |
LEVINE R. Stock markets, growth, and tax policy [J]. The Journal of Finance, 1991, 46(4): 1445-1465.
[3] |
MENDOZA E G, MILESI-FERRETTI G M, ASEA P. On the ineffectiveness of tax policy in altering long-run growth: Harbergers superneutrality conjecture[J].Journal of Public Economics,1997,66(1): 99-126.
[4] |
BLEANEY M, GEMMELL N, KNELLERR. Testing the endogenous growth model public expenditure, taxation, and growth over the long run[J].Canadian Journal of Economics, 2001, 34(1): 36-57.
[5] |
CHEN B L. Economic growth with an optimal public spending composition [J]. Oxford Economic Papers, 2006, 58(1): 123-136.
[6] |
NOVALES A., PREZ R., RUIZ J. Optimal time-consistent fiscal policy in an endogenous growth economy with public consumption and capital [J]. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2014, 42(10): 104-117.
[7] |
Milesi-Ferrett G M, Roubini N. Growth effects of income and consumption taxes: Positive and normative analysis[R]. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1995: NBER Working Paper No. 5317.
[8] |
TURNOVSKY S J. Fiscal policy, growth, and macroeconomic performance in a small open economy[J]. Journal of International Economics, 1996, 40:41-66.
[9] |
CORSETTI G, ROUBININ. Optimal government spending and taxation in endogenous growth models[J].Journal of Public Economy,1996, 60(1) :21-44.
[10] |
DENAUX Z S. Endogenous growth, taxes and government spending: Theory and evidence [J].Review of Development Economics, 2007, 11(1): 124-138.
[11] |
ELDER R W, LAWRENCE B, FERGUSON A. The effectiveness of tax policy interventions for reducing excessive alcohol consumption and related harms[J]. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2010, 38(2): 217-229.
[12] |
ANDREYEVA T, CHALOUPKA F J, BROWNELL K D. Estimating the potential of taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages to reduce consumption and generate revenue[J]. Preventive Medicine, 2011,52: 413-416.
[13] |
ERCOLANI V, PAVONI N. The effect of government consumption on private consumption: Macro evidence from micro data [R]. mimeo Bocconi University and UCL: Job Market Paper, 2008.
[14] |
习甜,王燕武.税收负担、税制结构与居民消费——中国经验的检验[J].公共经济研究, 2013(1):1-7.XI Tian, WANG Yanwu. Tax burden, tax structure and household consumption: Empirical analysis based on Chinas panel data[J]. Public Economics Studies, 2013(1):1-7.
[15] |
武彦民,张远.我国财税政策与居民消费的实证分析[J].税务研究, 2011(2):24-29.
[16] |
储德银,闫伟.税收政策与居民消费需求——基于结构效应视角的新思考[J].经济理论与经济管理, 2012(3): 53-63.CHU Deyin, YAN Wei. Tax policies and residents consumption demand: A new thought based on structure effects[J]. Economic Theory and Business Management, 2012(3): 53-63.
[17] |
李香菊,周丽珠.扩大我国居民消费的税收政策研究——基于税收对消费影响的实证分析[J].财贸经济,2013(2):18-27.LI Xiangju, ZHOU Lizhu. Research on taxation policy of expanding residents consumption: Based on the empirical analysis on influence of taxation on consumption[J]. Finance & Trade Economics, 2013(2): 18-27.
[18] |
龚六堂,邹恒甫.政府花费、税收、政府转移支付和内生经济增长[J]. 中国科学基金, 2000(1):15-18.GONG Liutang, ZOU Hengfu. Public expenditures, taxes, federal transfer, and endogenous growth[J]. Bulletin of National Science Foundation of China, 2000(1):15-18.
[19] |
龚六堂,邹恒甫. 财政政策、政策与国外经济援助[J].经济研究, 2001(3):29-40.GONG Liutang, ZOU Hengfu. Foreign aid, public spending, optimal fiscal and monetary policies, and long-run growth[J]. Economic Research Journal, 2001(3):29-40.
[20] |
[21] |
马拴友.税收结构与经济增长的实证分析——兼论我国的最优直接税/间接税结构[J].经济理论与经济管理,2001(7):15-20.MA Shuanyou. Positive analysis of tax structure and economic growth[J]. Economic Theory and Business Management, 2001(7):15-20.
[22] |
刘初旺.我国消费、劳动和资本有效税率估计及其国际比较[J].财经论丛,2004(7):9-16.LIU Chuwang. Evaluation and international comparison of average effective tax rate of consumption labour and capital of China[J]. Collected Essays on Finance and Economics, 2004(7):9-16.
[23] |
李凯,张生勃.中国资本、劳动、消费的有效税率测算——基于2003-2010年数据的实证研究[J].税务经济研究,2012(4):83-89.LI Kai, ZHANG Shengbo. The calculation of China’s tax rate of capital, labor and consumption [J]. Taxation Economic Research, 2004(7): 9-16.
[24] |
贺俊,吴照?.财政分权、 经济增长与城乡收入差距——基于省际面板数据的分析[J].当代财经, 2013(5): 27-38.HE Jun, WU Zhaoyan. Fiscal decentralization, economic growth and urban-rural income gap: An analysis based on inter-provincial panel date[J]. Contemporary Finance & Economics, 2013(5): 27-38.)