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Li Zhengping, Wu Ruisheng, Yin Zejie, et al. Design of mud density meter using Monte Carlo method[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 2005,35(5): 639-644.李正平, 吴瑞生, 阴泽杰, 等. Monte Carlo方法设计的泥浆密度测试系统[J]. 中国科学技术大学学报, 2005, 35(5): 639-644.
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杨植宗, 邓磊, 喻莉, 等. 核辐射及其安全防护[J]. 物理通报, 2012, (2): 117-120.
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Bedogni R, Esposito A, Angelone M, et al. Determination of the response to photons and thermal neutrons of new LiF based TL materials for radiation protection purposes[C]// Proceeding of the International Conference on Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record. Fajardo, Puerto Rico: IEEE Press, 2005: 478-481.
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徐克尊. 粒子探测技术[M]. 上海: 上海科学技术 出版社, 1981.
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吴治华,赵国庆等. 原子核物理实验方法[M]. 北 京: 原子能出版社,1997.
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李国梁. 核放射强度分布的在线测量[J]. 电子测 量技术, 2012, 35(10): 50-58.
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Kolmogorov A N. On tables of random numbers[J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 1998, 207(2): 387-395.
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Atanassov E, Dimov I T. What Monte Carlo models can do and cannot do efficiently[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2008, 32(8): 1 477-1 500.
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Dunn W L, Shultis J K. Monte Carlo methods for design and analysis of radiation detectors[J]. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2009, 78: 852-858.
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Proykova A. How to improve a random Number generator[J]. computer physics communication, 2000, 124(2-3): 125-131.
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陈松涛. Monte-Carlo法在测量不确定度评定中的应用[J]. 仪器仪表学报, 2004, 25(4): 501-504.
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许淑艳, 刘保杰, Li Qin. 核技术应用研究中的蒙特卡罗计算问题[J]. 核技术, 2007, 30(7): 597-600.
[14] |
吴瑞生, 周中平, 任枕海. KD-421γ射线微机产量计工作原理[J]. 核电子学与探测技术, 2000, 20(2): 96-98, 111.
[15] |
Li Zhengping, Wu Ruisheng, Yin Zejie, et al. Design of mud density meter using Monte Carlo method[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 2005,35(5): 639-644.李正平, 吴瑞生, 阴泽杰, 等. Monte Carlo方法设计的泥浆密度测试系统[J]. 中国科学技术大学学报, 2005, 35(5): 639-644.