Araneiforms are spider-like ground patterns that are widespread in the southern polar regions of Mars. A gas erosion process driven by the seasonal sublimation of CO2 ice was proposed as an explanation for their formation, which cannot occur on Earth due to the high climatic temperature. In this study, we propose an alternative mechanism that attributes the araneiform formation to the erosion of upwelling salt water from the subsurface, relying on the identification of the first terrestrial analog found in a playa of the Qaidam Basin on the northern Tibetan Plateau. Morphological analysis indicates that the structures in the Qaidam Basin have fractal features comparable to araneiforms on Mars. A numerical model is developed to investigate the araneiform formation driven by the water-diffusion mechanism. The simulation results indicate that the water-diffusion process, under varying ground conditions, may be responsible for the diverse araneiform morphologies observed on both Earth and Mars. Our numerical simulations also demonstrate that the orientations of the saltwater diffusion networks are controlled by pre-existing polygonal cracks, which is consistent with observations of araneiforms on Mars and Earth. Our study thus suggests that a saltwater-related origin of the araneiform is possible and has significant implications for water searches on Mars.
Araneiforms on Earth and Mars may have a similar saltwater-related origin.
Various araneiform morphologies were observed in the south polar region of Mars. (a) The early stage of the araneiform (ESP_023600_
Martian araneiforms growing on terrains with different polygonal patterns. (a) Araneiforms on a hexagonal-dominated polygon terrain (ESP_052822_
Figure 4. The Qaidam spiders with different morphologies. (a) The early stage of the Qaidam spider. (b) The middlescence stage of the Qaidam spiders. (c, d) Parallel spiders formed along artificial saltwater canals. (e) A fat spider. Figs. 4a–c & 4e are Google satellite images taken on November 28, 2012. Fig. 4d is the aerial image taken during our fieldwork in July 2021. (f–g) Spiders growing on a polygonal terrain (Google satellite images taken on November 28, 2012). (h) Polygonal relics with raised rims (aerial image taken during our fieldwork in July 2021). To clearly show the spider networks, some parts of them in Fig. 4f are marked in blue.
Figure 5. The formation mechanism and fractal analysis results of araneiforms. (a) The formation mechanism of the Qaidam spiders. The lighting effect is used to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the blue brine. (b) The calculated branching ratios of the selected Martian araneiforms and the Qaidam spiders. The color represents the R-squared value (a larger value means a smaller deviation from Horton’s law). The gray area is the range given in a previous study of Martian araneiforms[11]. The orange region is the range of our DLA simulation results (100 tests for a free-growing araneiform in Fig. 6a).
Figure 6. Simulation results of water-diffusion patterns with different sources and ground conditions. (a) A free-growing araneiform. (b) Parallel araneiforms originating from a ditch. (c) A fat araneiform originating from an upwelling pool. (d) A semiemergent araneiform in which water diffusion is prohibited in the gray region. (e) The araneiform growing on a pre-existing quadrangular network. (f) The araneiform growing on a pre-existing hexagonal network.
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