[1] |
CARLONI CALAME C M, PASSERA M, TRENTADUE L, et al. A new approach to evaluate the leading hadronic corrections to the muon g-2[J]. Phys Lett B, 2015, 746: 325-329.
[2] |
BENNETT G W, BOUSQUET B, BROWN H N, et al (Muon g-2 Collaboration). Final report of the E821 muon anomalous magnetic moment measurement at BNL[J]. Phys Rev D, 2006, 73: 072003.
[3] |
JEGERLEHNER F, NYFFELER A. The muon g-2 [J]. Phys Rep, 2009, 477: 1-110.
[4] |
BLUM T, DENIG A, LOGASHENKO I, et al. The muon (g-2) theory value: Present and future[DB/OL]. arXiv:1311.2198 [hep-ph].
[5] |
MELNIKOV K, VAINSHTEIN A. Theory of the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment[M]. New York: Springer, 2006.
[6] |
DAVIER M, MARCIANO W J. The theoretical prediction for the muon anomalous magnetic moment[J]. Ann Rev Nucl Part Sci, 2004, 54: 115-140.
[7] |
PASSERA M. The standard model prediction of the muon anomalous magnetic moment[J]. J Phys G, 2005, 31: R75-R94.
[8] |
KNECHT M. The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon: A theoretical introduction[J]. Lect Notes Phys, 2004, 629: 37-84.
[9] |
JEGERLEHNER F. The Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon[M]. New York: Springer, 2008.
[10] |
GRANGE J, GUARINO V, WINTER P, et al (Muon g-2 Collaboration). Muon (g-2) technical design report[DB/OL]. arXiv: 1501.06858[physics.ins-det].
[11] |
VENANZONI G (for the Muon g-2 Collaboration). The new muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab[DB/OL]. arXiv:1411.2555 [physics.ins-det].
[12] |
SAITO N, J-PARC g-2/EDM Collaboration. A novel precision measurement of muon g-2 and EDM at J-PARC[J]. AIP Conf Proc, 2012, 1467: 45-46.
[13] |
VENANZONI G. Hadronic contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon[J]. Nuovo Cim C, 2014, 37(2): 165-171.
[14] |
VENANZONI G. Latest on g-2 from experiment[J]. Frascati Phys Ser, 2012, 54: 52-67.
[15] |
FEDOTOVICH G V (on behalf of the CMD-2 Collaboration). Prospects of improving accuracy of the hadronic cross section measurements to the 10-3 level at the VEPP-2000 e+e- collider: Experimental and theoretical problems[J]. Nucl Phys (Proc Suppl), 2008,181-182: 146-150.
[16] |
KRAUSE B. Higher-order hadronic contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of leptons[J]. Phys Lett B, 1997, 390: 392-400.
[17] |
KNECHT M, NYFFELER A. Hadronic light-by-light corrections to the muon g-2: The pion-pole contribution[J]. Phys Rev D, 2002, 65: 073034.
[18] |
MELNIKOV K, VAINSHTEIN A. Hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment reexamined[J]. Phys Rev D, 2004, 70: 113006.
[19] |
PRADES J, DE RAFAEL E, VAINSHTEIN A. The hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the muon and electron anomalous magnetic moments[DB/OL]. arXiv:0901.0306 [hep-ph].
[20] |
COLANGELO G, HOFERICHTER M, PROCURA M, et al. Dispersive approach to hadronic light-by-light scattering[J]. JHEP, 2014, 9: 91.
[21] |
COLANGELO G, HOFERICHTER M, KUBIS B, et al. Towards a data-driven analysis of hadronic light-by-light scattering[J]. Phys Lett B, 2014, 738: 6-12.
[22] |
PAUK V, VANDERHAEGHEN M. Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in a dispersive approach[J]. Phys Rev D, 2014, 90:113012.
[23] |
BLUM T, CHOWDHURY S, HAYAKAWA M, et al. Hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment from lattice QCD[J]. Phys Rev Lett, 2015, 114: 012001.
[24] |
KURZ A, LIU T, MARQUARD P,et al. Hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment to next-to-next-to-leading order[J]. Phys Lett B, 2014, 734: 144-147.
[25] |
COLANGELO G, HOFERICHTER M, NYFFELER A, et al. Remarks on higher-order hadronic corrections to the muon g-2[J]. Phys Lett B, 2014, 735: 90-91.
[26] |
BOUCHIAT C, MICHELL. La résonance dans la diffusion méson π-méson π et le moment magnétique anormal du méson μ[J]. J Phys Radium, 1961, 22: 121.
[27] |
DURAND L. Pionic contributions to the magnetic moment of the muon[J]. Phys Rev, 1962, 128: 441-448(Erratum-ibid 1963, 129: 2835).
[28] |
GOURDIN M, DE RAFAEL E. Hadronic contributions to the muon g-factor[J]. Nucl Phys B, 1969, 10: 667-674.
[29] |
ARBUZOV A B, HAIDT D, MATTEUZZI C, et al. The running of the electromagnetic coupling α in small angle Bhabha scattering[J]. Eur Phys J C, 2004, 34: 267-275.
[30] |
ABBIENDI G, et al (OPAL Collaboration). Measurement of the running of the QED coupling in small-angle Bhabha scattering at LEP[J]. Eur Phys J C, 2006, 45: 1-21.
[31] |
DAVIER M, HOECKER A, MALAESCU B, et al. Reevaluation of the hadronic contributions to the muon g-2 and to α(M2Z)[J]. Eur Phys J C, 2011, 71: 1515(Erratum-ibid, 2012, 72: 1874).
[32] |
HAGIWARA K, LIAO R, MARTIN A D, et al. (g-2)μ and α(M2Z) re-evaluated using new precise data[J]. J Phys G, 2011, 38: 085003.
[33] |
HARLANDER R V, STEINHAUSER M. rhad: A program for the evaluation of the hadronic R-ratio in the perturbative regime of QCD[J]. Comput Phys Commun, 2003, 153: 244-274.
[34] |
LAUTRUP B E, PETERMAN A, DE RAFAEL E. Recent developments in the comparison between theory and experiments in quantum electrodynamics[J]. Phys Rep, 1972, 3:193-259.
[35] |
AUBIN C, BLUM T. Calculating the hadronic vacuum polarization and leading hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment with improved staggered quarks[J]. Phys Rev D, 2007, 75: 114502.
[36] |
BOYLE P, DEL DEBBIO L, KERRANE E, et al. Lattice determination of the hadronic contribution to the muon g-2 using dynamical domain wall fermions[J]. Phys Rev D, 2012, 85:074504.
[37] |
FENG X, JANSEN K, PETSCHLIES M, et al. Two-flavor QCD correction to lepton magnetic moments at leading order in the electromagnetic coupling[J]. Phys Rev Lett, 2011, 107: 081802.
[38] |
DELLA MORTE M, JAGER B, JUTTNER A, et al. Towards a precise lattice determination of the leading hadronic contribution to (g-2)μ[J]. JHEP, 2012, 1203: 055.
[39] |
BLUM T, HAYAKAWA M, IZUBUCHI T. Hadronic corrections to the muon anomalous magnetic moment from lattice QCD[D]. PoS, 2012: PoS(Lattice 2012)022.
[40] |
STEINHAUSER M. Leptonic contribution to the effective electromagnetic coupling constant up to three loops[J]. Phys Lett B, 1998, 429: 158-161.
[41] |
BAIKOV P A, CHETYRKIN K G, KUHN J H, et al. The relation between the QED charge renormalized in MS and on-shell schemes at four loops, the QED on-shell β-function at five loops and asymptotic contributions to the muon anomaly at five and six loops[J]. Nucl Phys B, 2013, 867: 182-202.
[42] |
STURM C. Leptonic contributions to the effective electromagnetic coupling at four-loop order in QED[J]. Nucl Phys B, 2013, 874: 698-719.
[43] |
BAIKOV P A, MAIER A, MARQUARD P. The QED vacuum polarization function at four loops and the anomalous magnetic moment at five loops[J]. Nucl Phys B, 2013, 877: 647-661.
[44] |
JEGERLEHNER F. Hadronic Contributions to the photon vacuum polarization and their role in precision physics[C]// Proceedings of Fifty Years of Electroweak Physics: A Symposium In Honour of Professor Alberto Sirlins 70th Birthday. New York: New York University, 2000.
[45] |
JEGERLEHNER F. Hadronic contributions to the photon vacuum polarization and their role in precision physics[J]. J Phys G, 2003, 29: 101-110.
[46] |
EIDELMAN S, JEGERLEHNER F. Hadronic contributions to (g-2) of the leptons and to the effective fine structure constant α(M2Z) [J]. Z Phys C, 1995, 67: 585-601.
[47] |
JEGERLEHNER F. The running fine structure constant α(E) via the Adler function[J]. Nucl Phys Proc Suppl, 2008, 181-182: 135-140.
[48] |
BICER M, YILDIZ H D, YILDIZ I, et al (TLEP Design Study Working Group Collaboration). First look at the physics case of TLEP[DB/OL]. arXiv:1308.6176 [hep-ex].
[49] |
DJOUADI A, LYKKEN J, MNIG K, et al (ILC Collaboration). International linear collider reference design report volume 2: Physics at the ILC[DB/OL].arXiv:0709.1893 [hep-ph].
[50] |
BALOSSINI G, CARLONI CALAME C M, MONTAGNA G, et al. Matching perturbative and parton shower corrections to Bhabha process at flavour factories[J]. Nucl Phys B, 2006, 758: 227-253.
[51] |
ACTIS S, ARBUZOV A, BALOSSINI G, et al., Quest for precision in hadronic cross sections at low energy: Monte Carlo tools vs. experimental data[J]. Eur Phys J C, 2010, 66: 585-686.
[52] |
HAGIWARA K, MARTIN A D, NOMURA D, et al. Improved predictions for g-2 of the muon and αQED(M2Z) [J]. Phys Lett B, 2007, 649: 173-179.
[53] |
HAGIWARA K, MARTIN A D, NOMURA D, et al. Predictions for g-2 of the muon and αQED(M2Z) [J]. Phys Rev D, 2004, 69: 093003.
[1] |
CARLONI CALAME C M, PASSERA M, TRENTADUE L, et al. A new approach to evaluate the leading hadronic corrections to the muon g-2[J]. Phys Lett B, 2015, 746: 325-329.
[2] |
BENNETT G W, BOUSQUET B, BROWN H N, et al (Muon g-2 Collaboration). Final report of the E821 muon anomalous magnetic moment measurement at BNL[J]. Phys Rev D, 2006, 73: 072003.
[3] |
JEGERLEHNER F, NYFFELER A. The muon g-2 [J]. Phys Rep, 2009, 477: 1-110.
[4] |
BLUM T, DENIG A, LOGASHENKO I, et al. The muon (g-2) theory value: Present and future[DB/OL]. arXiv:1311.2198 [hep-ph].
[5] |
MELNIKOV K, VAINSHTEIN A. Theory of the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment[M]. New York: Springer, 2006.
[6] |
DAVIER M, MARCIANO W J. The theoretical prediction for the muon anomalous magnetic moment[J]. Ann Rev Nucl Part Sci, 2004, 54: 115-140.
[7] |
PASSERA M. The standard model prediction of the muon anomalous magnetic moment[J]. J Phys G, 2005, 31: R75-R94.
[8] |
KNECHT M. The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon: A theoretical introduction[J]. Lect Notes Phys, 2004, 629: 37-84.
[9] |
JEGERLEHNER F. The Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon[M]. New York: Springer, 2008.
[10] |
GRANGE J, GUARINO V, WINTER P, et al (Muon g-2 Collaboration). Muon (g-2) technical design report[DB/OL]. arXiv: 1501.06858[physics.ins-det].
[11] |
VENANZONI G (for the Muon g-2 Collaboration). The new muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab[DB/OL]. arXiv:1411.2555 [physics.ins-det].
[12] |
SAITO N, J-PARC g-2/EDM Collaboration. A novel precision measurement of muon g-2 and EDM at J-PARC[J]. AIP Conf Proc, 2012, 1467: 45-46.
[13] |
VENANZONI G. Hadronic contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon[J]. Nuovo Cim C, 2014, 37(2): 165-171.
[14] |
VENANZONI G. Latest on g-2 from experiment[J]. Frascati Phys Ser, 2012, 54: 52-67.
[15] |
FEDOTOVICH G V (on behalf of the CMD-2 Collaboration). Prospects of improving accuracy of the hadronic cross section measurements to the 10-3 level at the VEPP-2000 e+e- collider: Experimental and theoretical problems[J]. Nucl Phys (Proc Suppl), 2008,181-182: 146-150.
[16] |
KRAUSE B. Higher-order hadronic contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of leptons[J]. Phys Lett B, 1997, 390: 392-400.
[17] |
KNECHT M, NYFFELER A. Hadronic light-by-light corrections to the muon g-2: The pion-pole contribution[J]. Phys Rev D, 2002, 65: 073034.
[18] |
MELNIKOV K, VAINSHTEIN A. Hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment reexamined[J]. Phys Rev D, 2004, 70: 113006.
[19] |
PRADES J, DE RAFAEL E, VAINSHTEIN A. The hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the muon and electron anomalous magnetic moments[DB/OL]. arXiv:0901.0306 [hep-ph].
[20] |
COLANGELO G, HOFERICHTER M, PROCURA M, et al. Dispersive approach to hadronic light-by-light scattering[J]. JHEP, 2014, 9: 91.
[21] |
COLANGELO G, HOFERICHTER M, KUBIS B, et al. Towards a data-driven analysis of hadronic light-by-light scattering[J]. Phys Lett B, 2014, 738: 6-12.
[22] |
PAUK V, VANDERHAEGHEN M. Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in a dispersive approach[J]. Phys Rev D, 2014, 90:113012.
[23] |
BLUM T, CHOWDHURY S, HAYAKAWA M, et al. Hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment from lattice QCD[J]. Phys Rev Lett, 2015, 114: 012001.
[24] |
KURZ A, LIU T, MARQUARD P,et al. Hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment to next-to-next-to-leading order[J]. Phys Lett B, 2014, 734: 144-147.
[25] |
COLANGELO G, HOFERICHTER M, NYFFELER A, et al. Remarks on higher-order hadronic corrections to the muon g-2[J]. Phys Lett B, 2014, 735: 90-91.
[26] |
BOUCHIAT C, MICHELL. La résonance dans la diffusion méson π-méson π et le moment magnétique anormal du méson μ[J]. J Phys Radium, 1961, 22: 121.
[27] |
DURAND L. Pionic contributions to the magnetic moment of the muon[J]. Phys Rev, 1962, 128: 441-448(Erratum-ibid 1963, 129: 2835).
[28] |
GOURDIN M, DE RAFAEL E. Hadronic contributions to the muon g-factor[J]. Nucl Phys B, 1969, 10: 667-674.
[29] |
ARBUZOV A B, HAIDT D, MATTEUZZI C, et al. The running of the electromagnetic coupling α in small angle Bhabha scattering[J]. Eur Phys J C, 2004, 34: 267-275.
[30] |
ABBIENDI G, et al (OPAL Collaboration). Measurement of the running of the QED coupling in small-angle Bhabha scattering at LEP[J]. Eur Phys J C, 2006, 45: 1-21.
[31] |
DAVIER M, HOECKER A, MALAESCU B, et al. Reevaluation of the hadronic contributions to the muon g-2 and to α(M2Z)[J]. Eur Phys J C, 2011, 71: 1515(Erratum-ibid, 2012, 72: 1874).
[32] |
HAGIWARA K, LIAO R, MARTIN A D, et al. (g-2)μ and α(M2Z) re-evaluated using new precise data[J]. J Phys G, 2011, 38: 085003.
[33] |
HARLANDER R V, STEINHAUSER M. rhad: A program for the evaluation of the hadronic R-ratio in the perturbative regime of QCD[J]. Comput Phys Commun, 2003, 153: 244-274.
[34] |
LAUTRUP B E, PETERMAN A, DE RAFAEL E. Recent developments in the comparison between theory and experiments in quantum electrodynamics[J]. Phys Rep, 1972, 3:193-259.
[35] |
AUBIN C, BLUM T. Calculating the hadronic vacuum polarization and leading hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment with improved staggered quarks[J]. Phys Rev D, 2007, 75: 114502.
[36] |
BOYLE P, DEL DEBBIO L, KERRANE E, et al. Lattice determination of the hadronic contribution to the muon g-2 using dynamical domain wall fermions[J]. Phys Rev D, 2012, 85:074504.
[37] |
FENG X, JANSEN K, PETSCHLIES M, et al. Two-flavor QCD correction to lepton magnetic moments at leading order in the electromagnetic coupling[J]. Phys Rev Lett, 2011, 107: 081802.
[38] |
DELLA MORTE M, JAGER B, JUTTNER A, et al. Towards a precise lattice determination of the leading hadronic contribution to (g-2)μ[J]. JHEP, 2012, 1203: 055.
[39] |
BLUM T, HAYAKAWA M, IZUBUCHI T. Hadronic corrections to the muon anomalous magnetic moment from lattice QCD[D]. PoS, 2012: PoS(Lattice 2012)022.
[40] |
STEINHAUSER M. Leptonic contribution to the effective electromagnetic coupling constant up to three loops[J]. Phys Lett B, 1998, 429: 158-161.
[41] |
BAIKOV P A, CHETYRKIN K G, KUHN J H, et al. The relation between the QED charge renormalized in MS and on-shell schemes at four loops, the QED on-shell β-function at five loops and asymptotic contributions to the muon anomaly at five and six loops[J]. Nucl Phys B, 2013, 867: 182-202.
[42] |
STURM C. Leptonic contributions to the effective electromagnetic coupling at four-loop order in QED[J]. Nucl Phys B, 2013, 874: 698-719.
[43] |
BAIKOV P A, MAIER A, MARQUARD P. The QED vacuum polarization function at four loops and the anomalous magnetic moment at five loops[J]. Nucl Phys B, 2013, 877: 647-661.
[44] |
JEGERLEHNER F. Hadronic Contributions to the photon vacuum polarization and their role in precision physics[C]// Proceedings of Fifty Years of Electroweak Physics: A Symposium In Honour of Professor Alberto Sirlins 70th Birthday. New York: New York University, 2000.
[45] |
JEGERLEHNER F. Hadronic contributions to the photon vacuum polarization and their role in precision physics[J]. J Phys G, 2003, 29: 101-110.
[46] |
EIDELMAN S, JEGERLEHNER F. Hadronic contributions to (g-2) of the leptons and to the effective fine structure constant α(M2Z) [J]. Z Phys C, 1995, 67: 585-601.
[47] |
JEGERLEHNER F. The running fine structure constant α(E) via the Adler function[J]. Nucl Phys Proc Suppl, 2008, 181-182: 135-140.
[48] |
BICER M, YILDIZ H D, YILDIZ I, et al (TLEP Design Study Working Group Collaboration). First look at the physics case of TLEP[DB/OL]. arXiv:1308.6176 [hep-ex].
[49] |
DJOUADI A, LYKKEN J, MNIG K, et al (ILC Collaboration). International linear collider reference design report volume 2: Physics at the ILC[DB/OL].arXiv:0709.1893 [hep-ph].
[50] |
BALOSSINI G, CARLONI CALAME C M, MONTAGNA G, et al. Matching perturbative and parton shower corrections to Bhabha process at flavour factories[J]. Nucl Phys B, 2006, 758: 227-253.
[51] |
ACTIS S, ARBUZOV A, BALOSSINI G, et al., Quest for precision in hadronic cross sections at low energy: Monte Carlo tools vs. experimental data[J]. Eur Phys J C, 2010, 66: 585-686.
[52] |
HAGIWARA K, MARTIN A D, NOMURA D, et al. Improved predictions for g-2 of the muon and αQED(M2Z) [J]. Phys Lett B, 2007, 649: 173-179.
[53] |
HAGIWARA K, MARTIN A D, NOMURA D, et al. Predictions for g-2 of the muon and αQED(M2Z) [J]. Phys Rev D, 2004, 69: 093003.