Construction of optimal codes with Homogeneous distance
Based on the torsion codes of a (1+λu) constacyclic code with arbitrary length over R(pm,k)=Fpm u/< uk >, a bound for the homogeneous distance of a (1+λu) constacyclic code with an arbitrary length over R( pm ,k) is obtained and the exact homogeneous distances of some (1+λu) constacyclic codes over R( pm ,k) are determined, where λ is a unit of R( pm ,k). Furthermore, a new distance-preserving Gray map from RN(pm ,k) (Homogeneous distance) to F pm(k -1) N pm (Hamming distance) is defined. It is proved that the Gray image of a linear (1+λu) constacyclic code of arbitrary length over R(pm ,k) is a linear code over Fpm, and some optimal linear codes over F2, F3, and F4 are constructed under this Gray map.