[1] |
Lalkaka R, Shaffer D. Nurturing entrepreneurs, creating enterprises: Technology business incubation in Brazil [C]//International Conference on Effective Business Development Services. NY: Private Sector Development Programme, United Nations Development Programme, 1999.
[2] |
Huang Tao. Exploration of several relationships in the construction and development of the scientific enterprise incubators[J]. Science of Science and Management of S&T, 2004,5(2):33-36.黄涛.科技企业孵化器建设和发展中的若干关系探讨[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理,2004,5(2):33-36.
[3] |
Aernoudt R. Incubators: Tool for entrepreneur? [J]. Small Business Economics, 2004, 23(2):127-135.
[4] |
Hackett S M, Dilts D M. A real options-driven theory of business incubation [J]. Journal of Technology Transfer, 2004, 29(1): 41-54.
[5] |
Hackett S M, Dilts D M. A systematic review of business incubation research [J]. Journal of Technology Transfer, 2004, 29(1): 55-82.
[6] |
Bruneel J, Ratinho T, Clarysse B, et al. The evolution of business incubators: Comparing demand and supply of business incubation services across different incubator generations [J]. Technovation, 2012, 32(2): 110-121.
[7] |
Pea I. Business incubation centers and new firm growth in the Basque country [J]. Small Business Economics, 2004, 22(3-4): 223-236.
[8] |
Zhang Zhengang, Xue Jie. The actualities and potential problems of high-tech business incubator in China [J]. Forum on Science and Technology in China, 2004(2):54-58.张振刚,薛捷.中国科技企业孵化器的现状及潜在问题分析[J].中国科技论坛,2004(2):54-58.
[9] |
Lin Qiang, Jiang Yanfu. Development and the future trends of high-tech business incubators in China[J]. Studies in Science of Science, 2002,2(2):198-201.林强,姜彦福.中国科技企业孵化器的发展及新趋势[J].科学学研究,2002,2(2):198-201.
[10] |
Mian S A. Assessing value-added contributions of university technology business incubators to tenant firms [J]. Research Policy, 1996, 25(3): 325-335.
[11] |
Rice M P. Co-production of business assistance in business incubators: An exploratory study [J]. Journal of Business Venturing, 2002, 17(2): 163-187.
[12] |
Phillips R G. Technology business incubators: How effective as technology transfer mechanisms? [J] Technology in Society, 2004, 24(3): 299-316.
[13] |
Schwartz M, Hornych C. Cooperation patterns of incubator firms and the impact of incubator specialization: Empirical evidence from Germany [J]. Technovation, 2010, 30(9-10): 485-495.
[14] |
Scillitoe J L, Chakrabarti A K. The role of incubator interactions in assisting new ventures [J]. Technovation, 2010, 30(3): 155-167.
[15] |
Bruneel J, Ratinho T, Clarysse B, et al. The evolution of business incubators: Comparing demand and supply of business incubation services across different incubator generations [J]. Technovation, 2012, 32(2): 110-121.
[16] |
Schwartz M, Hornych C. Specialization as strategy for business incubators: Assessment of the Central German Multimedia Center[J]. Technovation, 2008, 28(7):436-449.
[17] |
Peters L, Rice M, Sundararajan M. The role of incubators in the entrepreneurial process[J]. Journal of Technology Transfer, 2004, 29(1): 83-91.
[18] |
Yin Xiaojie, Wang Xi. The competitive advantages of the professional technology business incubator[J]. Forum on Science and Technology in China, 2004(2):59-61.殷晓婕,王曦.专业技术型企业孵化器的竞争优势研究[J].中国科技论坛,2004(2):59-61.
[19] |
刘艳莉.我国科技企业孵化器的系统运行机制与绩效评价研究[D]. 哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学,2009.
[20] |
[21] |
Allen D N, McCluskey R. Structure,policy,services,and performance in the business incubator industry[J]. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 1990, 15(2): 61-77.
[22] |
[23] |
[24] |
Yan Jingdong, Jian Lijun, Hu Shuhua. Designing the evaluation index system of management performance of S&T enterprise incubators[J]. Science of Science and Management of S&T, 2004, 25(6): 44-47.晏敬东,简利君,胡树华.科技企业孵化器管理绩效的评价指标体系设计[J].科学学与科学技术管理,2004, 25(6):44-47.
[25] |
[26] |
Wang Xiaolu, Fan Gang. Analysis on the regional disparity in China and the influential factors[J]. Economic Research Journal, 2004(1):33-44.王小鲁,樊纲.中国地区差距的变动趋势和影响因素[J].经济研究,2004(1):33-44.
[27] |
Hu A G. Technology parks and regional economic growth in China [J]. Research Policy, 2007, 36(1): 76-87.
[28] |
Sun Jian. The empirical study of convergence of innovation capacity in Chinese regions[J]. Science of Science and Management of S&T, 2010(2):113-117.孙建.中国区域创新能力收敛性研究[J].科学学与科学技术管理,2010(2):113-117.
[29] |
Grossman G M, Helpman E.Endogenous innovation in the theory of growth[J].Journal of Economic Perspective, 1994, 8(1):23-44.
[30] |
Liu Fengchao, Pan Xiongfeng. Research on relationship between technical market development and economic growth[J]. Studies in Science of Science, 2006(1):62-66.刘凤朝,潘雄锋.中国技术市场发展与经济增长关系的实证研究[J].科学学研究,2006(1):62-66.
[31] |
Arechibugi D, Pianta M. Aggregate convergence and sectoral specialization in innovations[J].Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 1994, 4(1): 17-33.
[32] |
王锐淇.我国区域技术创新能力提升与区域追赶的空间特征研究[D]. 重庆:重庆大学,2011.
[33] |
Chen Xiangdong, Wang Lei. Club convergence of regional innovation in China based on patent indicator[J]. China Soft Science, 2007(10):76-85.陈向东,王磊.基于专利指标的中国区域创新的俱乐部收敛特征研究[J].中国软科学,2007(10):76-85.
[34] |
Pan Xiongfeng, Zhang Weiwei. The analysis of regional innovation convergence of China from the perspective of spatial effect[J]. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2013,27(1): 63-67.潘雄锋,张维维.基于空间效应视角的中国区域创新收敛性分析[J].管理工程学报,2013,27(1): 63-67.
[35] |
[36] |
Barro J, Sala-i-Martin X. Technological diffusion, convergence and growth[J]. Journal of Economic Growth, 1992, 2: 223-251.
[37] |
[1] |
Lalkaka R, Shaffer D. Nurturing entrepreneurs, creating enterprises: Technology business incubation in Brazil [C]//International Conference on Effective Business Development Services. NY: Private Sector Development Programme, United Nations Development Programme, 1999.
[2] |
Huang Tao. Exploration of several relationships in the construction and development of the scientific enterprise incubators[J]. Science of Science and Management of S&T, 2004,5(2):33-36.黄涛.科技企业孵化器建设和发展中的若干关系探讨[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理,2004,5(2):33-36.
[3] |
Aernoudt R. Incubators: Tool for entrepreneur? [J]. Small Business Economics, 2004, 23(2):127-135.
[4] |
Hackett S M, Dilts D M. A real options-driven theory of business incubation [J]. Journal of Technology Transfer, 2004, 29(1): 41-54.
[5] |
Hackett S M, Dilts D M. A systematic review of business incubation research [J]. Journal of Technology Transfer, 2004, 29(1): 55-82.
[6] |
Bruneel J, Ratinho T, Clarysse B, et al. The evolution of business incubators: Comparing demand and supply of business incubation services across different incubator generations [J]. Technovation, 2012, 32(2): 110-121.
[7] |
Pea I. Business incubation centers and new firm growth in the Basque country [J]. Small Business Economics, 2004, 22(3-4): 223-236.
[8] |
Zhang Zhengang, Xue Jie. The actualities and potential problems of high-tech business incubator in China [J]. Forum on Science and Technology in China, 2004(2):54-58.张振刚,薛捷.中国科技企业孵化器的现状及潜在问题分析[J].中国科技论坛,2004(2):54-58.
[9] |
Lin Qiang, Jiang Yanfu. Development and the future trends of high-tech business incubators in China[J]. Studies in Science of Science, 2002,2(2):198-201.林强,姜彦福.中国科技企业孵化器的发展及新趋势[J].科学学研究,2002,2(2):198-201.
[10] |
Mian S A. Assessing value-added contributions of university technology business incubators to tenant firms [J]. Research Policy, 1996, 25(3): 325-335.
[11] |
Rice M P. Co-production of business assistance in business incubators: An exploratory study [J]. Journal of Business Venturing, 2002, 17(2): 163-187.
[12] |
Phillips R G. Technology business incubators: How effective as technology transfer mechanisms? [J] Technology in Society, 2004, 24(3): 299-316.
[13] |
Schwartz M, Hornych C. Cooperation patterns of incubator firms and the impact of incubator specialization: Empirical evidence from Germany [J]. Technovation, 2010, 30(9-10): 485-495.
[14] |
Scillitoe J L, Chakrabarti A K. The role of incubator interactions in assisting new ventures [J]. Technovation, 2010, 30(3): 155-167.
[15] |
Bruneel J, Ratinho T, Clarysse B, et al. The evolution of business incubators: Comparing demand and supply of business incubation services across different incubator generations [J]. Technovation, 2012, 32(2): 110-121.
[16] |
Schwartz M, Hornych C. Specialization as strategy for business incubators: Assessment of the Central German Multimedia Center[J]. Technovation, 2008, 28(7):436-449.
[17] |
Peters L, Rice M, Sundararajan M. The role of incubators in the entrepreneurial process[J]. Journal of Technology Transfer, 2004, 29(1): 83-91.
[18] |
Yin Xiaojie, Wang Xi. The competitive advantages of the professional technology business incubator[J]. Forum on Science and Technology in China, 2004(2):59-61.殷晓婕,王曦.专业技术型企业孵化器的竞争优势研究[J].中国科技论坛,2004(2):59-61.
[19] |
刘艳莉.我国科技企业孵化器的系统运行机制与绩效评价研究[D]. 哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学,2009.
[20] |
[21] |
Allen D N, McCluskey R. Structure,policy,services,and performance in the business incubator industry[J]. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 1990, 15(2): 61-77.
[22] |
[23] |
[24] |
Yan Jingdong, Jian Lijun, Hu Shuhua. Designing the evaluation index system of management performance of S&T enterprise incubators[J]. Science of Science and Management of S&T, 2004, 25(6): 44-47.晏敬东,简利君,胡树华.科技企业孵化器管理绩效的评价指标体系设计[J].科学学与科学技术管理,2004, 25(6):44-47.
[25] |
[26] |
Wang Xiaolu, Fan Gang. Analysis on the regional disparity in China and the influential factors[J]. Economic Research Journal, 2004(1):33-44.王小鲁,樊纲.中国地区差距的变动趋势和影响因素[J].经济研究,2004(1):33-44.
[27] |
Hu A G. Technology parks and regional economic growth in China [J]. Research Policy, 2007, 36(1): 76-87.
[28] |
Sun Jian. The empirical study of convergence of innovation capacity in Chinese regions[J]. Science of Science and Management of S&T, 2010(2):113-117.孙建.中国区域创新能力收敛性研究[J].科学学与科学技术管理,2010(2):113-117.
[29] |
Grossman G M, Helpman E.Endogenous innovation in the theory of growth[J].Journal of Economic Perspective, 1994, 8(1):23-44.
[30] |
Liu Fengchao, Pan Xiongfeng. Research on relationship between technical market development and economic growth[J]. Studies in Science of Science, 2006(1):62-66.刘凤朝,潘雄锋.中国技术市场发展与经济增长关系的实证研究[J].科学学研究,2006(1):62-66.
[31] |
Arechibugi D, Pianta M. Aggregate convergence and sectoral specialization in innovations[J].Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 1994, 4(1): 17-33.
[32] |
王锐淇.我国区域技术创新能力提升与区域追赶的空间特征研究[D]. 重庆:重庆大学,2011.
[33] |
Chen Xiangdong, Wang Lei. Club convergence of regional innovation in China based on patent indicator[J]. China Soft Science, 2007(10):76-85.陈向东,王磊.基于专利指标的中国区域创新的俱乐部收敛特征研究[J].中国软科学,2007(10):76-85.
[34] |
Pan Xiongfeng, Zhang Weiwei. The analysis of regional innovation convergence of China from the perspective of spatial effect[J]. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2013,27(1): 63-67.潘雄锋,张维维.基于空间效应视角的中国区域创新收敛性分析[J].管理工程学报,2013,27(1): 63-67.
[35] |
[36] |
Barro J, Sala-i-Martin X. Technological diffusion, convergence and growth[J]. Journal of Economic Growth, 1992, 2: 223-251.
[37] |