Exploring millimeter wave radar data as complementary to RGB images for ameliorating 3D object detection has become an emerging trend for autonomous driving systems. However, existing radar-camera fusion methods are highly dependent on the prior camera detection results, rendering the overall performance unsatisfactory. In this paper, we propose a bidirectional fusion scheme in the bird-eye view (BEV-radar), which is independent of prior camera detection results. Leveraging features from both modalities, our method designs a bidirectional attention-based fusion strategy. Specifically, following BEV-based 3D detection methods, our method engages a bidirectional transformer to embed information from both modalities and enforces the local spatial relationship according to subsequent convolution blocks. After embedding the features, the BEV features are decoded in the 3D object prediction head. We evaluate our method on the nuScenes dataset, achieving 48.2 mAP and 57.6 NDS. The result shows considerable improvements compared to the camera-only baseline, especially in terms of velocity prediction. The code is available at