Overview of the CMD-3 results at the VEPP-2000 e+e- collider
The CMD-3 detector has been taking data since December 2010 at the VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider. The collected data sample corresponds to about 60 inverse picobarn of integrated luminosity in the c.m. energy range from 032 up to 2 GeV. Preliminary results of the analysis of various hadronic cross sections, in particular, e+e-→π+π-, π+π-π0, KLKS, K+K-, ηγ, 3(π+π-), 2(π+π-π0), K+K-π+π-, K+K-η, K+K-π0, ηπ+π-, ωπ+π- and ω→π0e+e- are presented. The processes with multihadron final states have several intermediate states which must be taken into account to correctly describe the angular and invariant mass distributions as well as cross section energy dependence.