ISSN 0253-2778

CN 34-1054/N

Open AccessOpen Access JUSTC Management 27 April 2023

The influence of different types of satisfaction on loyalty on C2C online shopping platform: From the perspective of sellers and the platform

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  • Author Bio:

    Yanan Lu is a master’s student at the University of Science and Technology of China. She received her bachelor’s degree in Management from Hefei University of Technology in 2020. Her research mainly focuses on online consumer behavior and employee IT usage

    Yuting Wang is currently a post-doctor at Shanghai University. She received her Ph.D. degree in Management Science from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2022. Her research mainly focuses on supply chain management, management information system, and consumer behavior

  • Corresponding author: E-mail:
  • Received Date: 14 September 2022
  • Accepted Date: 07 February 2023
  • Available Online: 27 April 2023
  • With the rise and development of major types of platforms, the competition for resources has become extremely fierce, and the market share of C2C platforms has been seriously threatened by the loss of resources. Therefore, building and maintaining buyers’ satisfaction and loyalty to C2C platforms is critical to the survival and sustainability of C2C platforms in China. However, the current knowledge on how platform satisfaction and loyalty are constructed in the C2C e-commerce environment is incomplete. In this study, seller-based satisfaction and platform-based satisfaction are constructed separately. We further distinguish seller-based transaction satisfaction into economic and social satisfaction and explore their antecedents and consequences. To test our research hypotheses, we conduct a survey and collect data from a real online market (Taobao website). The results show that seller-based transaction satisfaction positively affects platform-based overall satisfaction and loyalty, and that perceived product quality, perceived assurance, and perceived price fairness all have a significant effect on economic satisfaction, whereas perceived relationship quality and perceived empathy significantly influence social satisfaction. These findings help us understand the literature related to customer satisfaction in the context of C2C in China and provide inspiration for online sellers and platforms.
    The figure summarizes the hypothesis test results of this study: Ten hypotheses are all supported.
    With the rise and development of major types of platforms, the competition for resources has become extremely fierce, and the market share of C2C platforms has been seriously threatened by the loss of resources. Therefore, building and maintaining buyers’ satisfaction and loyalty to C2C platforms is critical to the survival and sustainability of C2C platforms in China. However, the current knowledge on how platform satisfaction and loyalty are constructed in the C2C e-commerce environment is incomplete. In this study, seller-based satisfaction and platform-based satisfaction are constructed separately. We further distinguish seller-based transaction satisfaction into economic and social satisfaction and explore their antecedents and consequences. To test our research hypotheses, we conduct a survey and collect data from a real online market (Taobao website). The results show that seller-based transaction satisfaction positively affects platform-based overall satisfaction and loyalty, and that perceived product quality, perceived assurance, and perceived price fairness all have a significant effect on economic satisfaction, whereas perceived relationship quality and perceived empathy significantly influence social satisfaction. These findings help us understand the literature related to customer satisfaction in the context of C2C in China and provide inspiration for online sellers and platforms.
    • Seller-based transaction satisfaction positively influences platform-based overall satisfaction and loyalty.
    • We integrate the antecedents of satisfaction from a customer perception perspective into four dimensions based on product, service, price, and relationship and find that the different dimensions have different associations with the economic and social satisfaction of sellers.
    • For Chinese C2C buyers, in addition to economic aspects, social satisfaction and its antecedents are more important factors that cannot be ignored for customer satisfaction.

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    Ngo V M, Pavelková D. Moderating and mediating effects of switching costs on the relationship between service value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: Investigation of retail banking in Vietnam. Journal of International Studies, 2017, 10 (1): 9–33. doi: 10.14254/2071-8330.2017/10-1/1
    Blut M, Frennea C M, Mittal V, et al. How procedural, financial and relational switching costs affect customer satisfaction, repurchase intentions, and repurchase behavior: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2015, 32 (2): 226–229. doi: 10.1016/j.ijresmar.2015.01.001
    Otto A S, Szymanski D M, Varadarajan R. Customer satisfaction and firm performance: Insights from over a quarter century of empirical research. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2020, 48 (3): 543–564. doi: 10.1007/s11747-019-00657-7
    Fornell C, Morgeson Ⅲ F V, Hult G T M. Stock returns on customer satisfaction do beat the market: Gauging the effect of a marketing intangible. Journal of Marketing, 2016, 80 (5): 92–107. doi: 10.1509/jm.15.0229
    Williams P, Ashill N J, Naumann E, et al. Relationship quality and satisfaction: Customer-perceived success factors for on-time projects. International Journal of Project Management, 2015, 33 (8): 1836–1850. doi: 10.1016/j.ijproman.2015.07.009
    Ali B J, Saleh P F, Akoi S, et al. Impact of service quality on the customer satisfaction: Case study at online meeting platforms. International Journal of Engineering, Business and Management, 2021, 5 (2): 65–77. doi: 10.22161/ijebm.5.2.6
    Yoon H S, Occena L G. Influencing factors of trust in consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce with gender and age. International Journal of Information Management, 2015, 35 (3): 352–363. doi: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2015.02.003
    Chen J, Zhang C, Xu Y. The role of mutual trust in building members’ loyalty to a C2C platform provider. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2009, 14 (1): 147–171. doi: 10.2753/JEC1086-4415140105
    Bagozzi R P, Dholakia U M. Antecedents and purchase consequences of customer participation in small group brand communities. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2006, 23 (1): 45–61. doi: 10.1016/j.ijresmar.2006.01.005
    Xu B, Lin Z, Shao B. Factors affecting consumer behaviors in online buy-it-now auctions. Internet Research, 2010, 20 (5): 509–526. doi: 10.1108/10662241011084086
    Hult G T M, Sharma P N, Morgeson Ⅲ F V, et al. Antecedents and consequences of customer satisfaction: Do they differ across online and offline purchases? Journal of Retailing, 2019, 95 (1): 10–23. doi: 10.1016/j.jretai.2018.10.003
    Chen X, Huang Q, Davison R M. Economic and social satisfaction of buyers on consumer-to-consumer platforms: The role of relational capital. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2017, 21 (2): 219–248. doi: 10.1080/10864415.2016.1234285
    Huang Q, Chen X, Ou C X, et al. Understanding buyers’ loyalty to a C2C platform: The roles of social capital, satisfaction and perceived effectiveness of e-commerce institutional mechanisms. Information Systems Journal, 2017, 27 (1): 91–119. doi: 10.1111/isj.12079
    Yen C H, Lu H P. Effects of e-service quality on loyalty intention: an empirical study in online auction. Managing Service Quality, 2008, 18 (2): 127–146. doi: 10.1108/09604520810859193
    Ashraf A R, Thongpapanl N, Menguc B, et al. The role of m-commerce readiness in emerging and developed markets. Journal of International Marketing, 2017, 25 (2): 25–51. doi: 10.1509/jim.16.0033
    Gammoh B S, Mallin M L, Pullins E B, et al. The role of salesperson brand selling confidence in enhancing important sales management outcomes: A social identity approach. Journal of Business Industrial Marketing, 2018, 33 (3): 277–290. doi: 10.1108/JBIM-11-2016-0274
    Moliner M A, Sánchez J, Rodriguez R M, et al. Perceived relationship quality and post-purchase perceived value: An integrative framework. European Journal of Marketing, 2007, 41 (11/12): 1392–1422. doi: 10.1108/03090560710821233
    Howard J A. Consumer Behavior: Application of Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 1977.
    Samudro A, Sumarwan U, Simanjuntak M, et al. Assessing the effects of perceived quality and perceived value on customer satisfaction. Management Science Letters, 2020, 10 (5): 1077–1084. doi: 10.5267/j.msl.2019.11.001
    Pandey N, Tripathi A, Jain D, et al. Does price tolerance depend upon the type of product in e-retailing? Role of customer satisfaction, trust, loyalty, and perceived value. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 2020, 28 (6): 522–541. doi: 10.1080/0965254X.2019.1569109
    Bei L T, Chiao Y C. An integrated model for the effects of perceived product, perceived service quality, and perceived price fairness on consumer satisfaction and loyalty. The Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 2001, 14 (1): 125–140.
    Ou C X, Pavlou P A, Davison R M. Swift guanxi in online marketplaces: The role of computer-mediated communication technologies. MIS Quarterly, 2014, 38 (1): 209–230. doi: 10.25300/MISQ/2014/38.1.10
    Pansari A, Kumar V. Customer engagement: the construct, antecedents, and consequences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2017, 45 (3): 294–311. doi: 10.1007/s11747-016-0485-6
    Dabholkar P A, van Dolen W M, de Ruyter K. A dual-sequence framework for B2C relationship formation: Moderating effects of employee communication style in online group chat. Psychology Marketing, 2009, 26 (2): 145–174. doi: 10.1002/mar.20265
    Jha S, Balaji M, Yavas U, et al. Effects of frontline employee role overload on customer responses and sales performance: Moderator and mediators. European Journal of Marketing, 2017, 51 (2): 282–303. doi: 10.1108/EJM-01-2015-0009
    Jones M A, Suh J. Transaction-specific satisfaction and overall satisfaction: An empirical analysis. Journal of Services Marketing, 2000, 14 (2): 147–159. doi: 10.1108/08876040010371555
    Parasuraman A, Zeithaml V A, Berry L L. Reassessment of expectations as a comparison standard in measuring service quality: Implications for further research. Journal of Marketing, 1994, 58 (1): 111–124. doi: 10.1177/002224299405800109
    Moriuchi E, Takahashi I. An empirical study on repeat consumer’s shopping satisfaction on C2C e-commerce in Japan: The role of value, trust and engagement. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing Logistics, 2023, 35 (3): 560–581. doi: 10.1108/apjml-08-2021-0631
    Audrain-Pontevia A F, Goala G N, Poncin I. A good deal online: The impacts of acquisition and transaction value on E-satisfaction and E-loyalty. Journal of Retailing Consumer Services, 2013, 20 (5): 445–452. doi: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2013.04.002
    Chiou J S, Wu L Y, Sung Y P. Buyer satisfaction and loyalty intention in online auctions: Online auction web site versus online auction seller. Journal of Service Management, 2009, 20 (5): 521–543. doi: 10.1108/09564230910995125
    Thakur R. The moderating role of customer engagement experiences in customer satisfaction-loyalty relationship. European Journal of Marketing, 2019, 53 (3): 1278–1310. doi: 10.1108/EJM-11-2017-0895
    Huang J, Hsu C H. The impact of customer-to-customer interaction on cruise experience and vacation satisfaction. Journal of Travel Research, 2010, 49 (1): 79–92. doi: 10.1177/0047287509336466
    Kwahk K Y, Ge X, Park J H. Investigating the determinants of purchase intention in C2C e-commerce. International Journal of Economics Management Engineering, 2012, 6 (9): 2378–2382. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1333702
    Lu J, Wang L, Hayes L A. How do technology readiness, platform functionality and trust influence C2C user satisfaction? Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2012, 13 (1): 50–69.
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    Ha H-Y, Lee M-S, Janda S. Effects of economic and social satisfaction on partner trust: An investigation of temporal carryover effects. European Journal of Marketing, 2016, 50 (1/2): 100–123. doi: 10.1108/EJM-02-2014-0125
    Darsono L I, Junaedi M. An examination of perceived quality, satisfaction, and loyalty relationship: Applicability of comparative and noncomparative evaluation. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 2006, 8 (3): 323–342. doi: 10.22146/gamaijb.5612
    Zhao L, Lu Y, Zhang L, et al. Assessing the effects of service quality and justice on customer satisfaction and the continuance intention of mobile value-added services: An empirical test of a multidimensional model. Decision Support Systems, 2012, 52 (3): 645–656. doi: 10.1016/j.dss.2011.10.022
    Tsiotsou R. The role of perceived product quality and overall satisfaction on purchase intentions. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2006, 30 (2): 207–217. doi: 10.1111/j.1470-6431.2005.00477.x
    Sun H, Ni W, Wang Z. A consumption system model integrating quality, satisfaction and behavioral intentions in online shopping. Information Technology Management, 2016, 17 (2): 165–177. doi: 10.1007/s10799-015-0254-0
    Yarimoglu E K. A review on dimensions of service quality models. Journal of Marketing Management, 2014, 2 (2): 79–93.
    Strader T, Ramaswami S. The value of seller trustworthiness in C2C online markets. Communications of the ACM, 2002, 45 (12): 45–49. doi: 10.1145/585597.585600
    Bolton R N, Gustafsson A, Tarasi C O, et al. Designing satisfying service encounters: Website versus store touchpoints. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2022, 50 (1): 85–107. doi: 10.1007/s11747-021-00808-9
    Cai F, Bagchi R, Gauri D K. Boomerang effects of low price discounts: How low price discounts affect purchase propensity. Journal of Consumer Research, 2016, 42 (5): 804–816. doi: 10.1093/jcr/ucv057
    Hennig-Thurau T, Klee A. The impact of customer satisfaction and relationship quality on customer retention: A critical reassessment and model development. Psychology Marketing, 1997, 14 (8): 737–764. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1520-6793(199712)14:8<737::AID-MAR2>3.0.CO;2-F
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    Wang C L. Guanxi vs. relationship marketing: Exploring underlying differences. Industrial Marketing Management, 2007, 36 (1): 81–86. doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2005.08.002
    Ranaweera C, Menon K. For better or for worse? Adverse effects of relationship age and continuance commitment on positive and negative word of mouth. European Journal of Marketing, 2013, 47 (10): 1598–1621. doi: 10.1108/EJM-06-2011-0295
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    Figure  1.  Research model.

    Figure  2.  PLS analysis results.

    Ngo V M, Pavelková D. Moderating and mediating effects of switching costs on the relationship between service value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: Investigation of retail banking in Vietnam. Journal of International Studies, 2017, 10 (1): 9–33. doi: 10.14254/2071-8330.2017/10-1/1
    Blut M, Frennea C M, Mittal V, et al. How procedural, financial and relational switching costs affect customer satisfaction, repurchase intentions, and repurchase behavior: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2015, 32 (2): 226–229. doi: 10.1016/j.ijresmar.2015.01.001
    Otto A S, Szymanski D M, Varadarajan R. Customer satisfaction and firm performance: Insights from over a quarter century of empirical research. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2020, 48 (3): 543–564. doi: 10.1007/s11747-019-00657-7
    Fornell C, Morgeson Ⅲ F V, Hult G T M. Stock returns on customer satisfaction do beat the market: Gauging the effect of a marketing intangible. Journal of Marketing, 2016, 80 (5): 92–107. doi: 10.1509/jm.15.0229
    Williams P, Ashill N J, Naumann E, et al. Relationship quality and satisfaction: Customer-perceived success factors for on-time projects. International Journal of Project Management, 2015, 33 (8): 1836–1850. doi: 10.1016/j.ijproman.2015.07.009
    Ali B J, Saleh P F, Akoi S, et al. Impact of service quality on the customer satisfaction: Case study at online meeting platforms. International Journal of Engineering, Business and Management, 2021, 5 (2): 65–77. doi: 10.22161/ijebm.5.2.6
    Yoon H S, Occena L G. Influencing factors of trust in consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce with gender and age. International Journal of Information Management, 2015, 35 (3): 352–363. doi: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2015.02.003
    Chen J, Zhang C, Xu Y. The role of mutual trust in building members’ loyalty to a C2C platform provider. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2009, 14 (1): 147–171. doi: 10.2753/JEC1086-4415140105
    Bagozzi R P, Dholakia U M. Antecedents and purchase consequences of customer participation in small group brand communities. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2006, 23 (1): 45–61. doi: 10.1016/j.ijresmar.2006.01.005
    Xu B, Lin Z, Shao B. Factors affecting consumer behaviors in online buy-it-now auctions. Internet Research, 2010, 20 (5): 509–526. doi: 10.1108/10662241011084086
    Hult G T M, Sharma P N, Morgeson Ⅲ F V, et al. Antecedents and consequences of customer satisfaction: Do they differ across online and offline purchases? Journal of Retailing, 2019, 95 (1): 10–23. doi: 10.1016/j.jretai.2018.10.003
    Chen X, Huang Q, Davison R M. Economic and social satisfaction of buyers on consumer-to-consumer platforms: The role of relational capital. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2017, 21 (2): 219–248. doi: 10.1080/10864415.2016.1234285
    Huang Q, Chen X, Ou C X, et al. Understanding buyers’ loyalty to a C2C platform: The roles of social capital, satisfaction and perceived effectiveness of e-commerce institutional mechanisms. Information Systems Journal, 2017, 27 (1): 91–119. doi: 10.1111/isj.12079
    Yen C H, Lu H P. Effects of e-service quality on loyalty intention: an empirical study in online auction. Managing Service Quality, 2008, 18 (2): 127–146. doi: 10.1108/09604520810859193
    Ashraf A R, Thongpapanl N, Menguc B, et al. The role of m-commerce readiness in emerging and developed markets. Journal of International Marketing, 2017, 25 (2): 25–51. doi: 10.1509/jim.16.0033
    Gammoh B S, Mallin M L, Pullins E B, et al. The role of salesperson brand selling confidence in enhancing important sales management outcomes: A social identity approach. Journal of Business Industrial Marketing, 2018, 33 (3): 277–290. doi: 10.1108/JBIM-11-2016-0274
    Moliner M A, Sánchez J, Rodriguez R M, et al. Perceived relationship quality and post-purchase perceived value: An integrative framework. European Journal of Marketing, 2007, 41 (11/12): 1392–1422. doi: 10.1108/03090560710821233
    Howard J A. Consumer Behavior: Application of Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 1977.
    Samudro A, Sumarwan U, Simanjuntak M, et al. Assessing the effects of perceived quality and perceived value on customer satisfaction. Management Science Letters, 2020, 10 (5): 1077–1084. doi: 10.5267/j.msl.2019.11.001
    Pandey N, Tripathi A, Jain D, et al. Does price tolerance depend upon the type of product in e-retailing? Role of customer satisfaction, trust, loyalty, and perceived value. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 2020, 28 (6): 522–541. doi: 10.1080/0965254X.2019.1569109
    Bei L T, Chiao Y C. An integrated model for the effects of perceived product, perceived service quality, and perceived price fairness on consumer satisfaction and loyalty. The Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 2001, 14 (1): 125–140.
    Ou C X, Pavlou P A, Davison R M. Swift guanxi in online marketplaces: The role of computer-mediated communication technologies. MIS Quarterly, 2014, 38 (1): 209–230. doi: 10.25300/MISQ/2014/38.1.10
    Pansari A, Kumar V. Customer engagement: the construct, antecedents, and consequences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2017, 45 (3): 294–311. doi: 10.1007/s11747-016-0485-6
    Dabholkar P A, van Dolen W M, de Ruyter K. A dual-sequence framework for B2C relationship formation: Moderating effects of employee communication style in online group chat. Psychology Marketing, 2009, 26 (2): 145–174. doi: 10.1002/mar.20265
    Jha S, Balaji M, Yavas U, et al. Effects of frontline employee role overload on customer responses and sales performance: Moderator and mediators. European Journal of Marketing, 2017, 51 (2): 282–303. doi: 10.1108/EJM-01-2015-0009
    Jones M A, Suh J. Transaction-specific satisfaction and overall satisfaction: An empirical analysis. Journal of Services Marketing, 2000, 14 (2): 147–159. doi: 10.1108/08876040010371555
    Parasuraman A, Zeithaml V A, Berry L L. Reassessment of expectations as a comparison standard in measuring service quality: Implications for further research. Journal of Marketing, 1994, 58 (1): 111–124. doi: 10.1177/002224299405800109
    Moriuchi E, Takahashi I. An empirical study on repeat consumer’s shopping satisfaction on C2C e-commerce in Japan: The role of value, trust and engagement. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing Logistics, 2023, 35 (3): 560–581. doi: 10.1108/apjml-08-2021-0631
    Audrain-Pontevia A F, Goala G N, Poncin I. A good deal online: The impacts of acquisition and transaction value on E-satisfaction and E-loyalty. Journal of Retailing Consumer Services, 2013, 20 (5): 445–452. doi: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2013.04.002
    Chiou J S, Wu L Y, Sung Y P. Buyer satisfaction and loyalty intention in online auctions: Online auction web site versus online auction seller. Journal of Service Management, 2009, 20 (5): 521–543. doi: 10.1108/09564230910995125
    Thakur R. The moderating role of customer engagement experiences in customer satisfaction-loyalty relationship. European Journal of Marketing, 2019, 53 (3): 1278–1310. doi: 10.1108/EJM-11-2017-0895
    Huang J, Hsu C H. The impact of customer-to-customer interaction on cruise experience and vacation satisfaction. Journal of Travel Research, 2010, 49 (1): 79–92. doi: 10.1177/0047287509336466
    Kwahk K Y, Ge X, Park J H. Investigating the determinants of purchase intention in C2C e-commerce. International Journal of Economics Management Engineering, 2012, 6 (9): 2378–2382. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1333702
    Lu J, Wang L, Hayes L A. How do technology readiness, platform functionality and trust influence C2C user satisfaction? Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2012, 13 (1): 50–69.
    Geyskens I, Steenkamp J-B E. Economic and social satisfaction: measurement and relevance to marketing channel relationships. Journal of Retailing, 2000, 76 (1): 11–32. doi: 10.1016/S0022-4359(99)00021-4
    Ha H-Y, Lee M-S, Janda S. Effects of economic and social satisfaction on partner trust: An investigation of temporal carryover effects. European Journal of Marketing, 2016, 50 (1/2): 100–123. doi: 10.1108/EJM-02-2014-0125
    Darsono L I, Junaedi M. An examination of perceived quality, satisfaction, and loyalty relationship: Applicability of comparative and noncomparative evaluation. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 2006, 8 (3): 323–342. doi: 10.22146/gamaijb.5612
    Zhao L, Lu Y, Zhang L, et al. Assessing the effects of service quality and justice on customer satisfaction and the continuance intention of mobile value-added services: An empirical test of a multidimensional model. Decision Support Systems, 2012, 52 (3): 645–656. doi: 10.1016/j.dss.2011.10.022
    Tsiotsou R. The role of perceived product quality and overall satisfaction on purchase intentions. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2006, 30 (2): 207–217. doi: 10.1111/j.1470-6431.2005.00477.x
    Sun H, Ni W, Wang Z. A consumption system model integrating quality, satisfaction and behavioral intentions in online shopping. Information Technology Management, 2016, 17 (2): 165–177. doi: 10.1007/s10799-015-0254-0
    Yarimoglu E K. A review on dimensions of service quality models. Journal of Marketing Management, 2014, 2 (2): 79–93.
    Strader T, Ramaswami S. The value of seller trustworthiness in C2C online markets. Communications of the ACM, 2002, 45 (12): 45–49. doi: 10.1145/585597.585600
    Bolton R N, Gustafsson A, Tarasi C O, et al. Designing satisfying service encounters: Website versus store touchpoints. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2022, 50 (1): 85–107. doi: 10.1007/s11747-021-00808-9
    Cai F, Bagchi R, Gauri D K. Boomerang effects of low price discounts: How low price discounts affect purchase propensity. Journal of Consumer Research, 2016, 42 (5): 804–816. doi: 10.1093/jcr/ucv057
    Hennig-Thurau T, Klee A. The impact of customer satisfaction and relationship quality on customer retention: A critical reassessment and model development. Psychology Marketing, 1997, 14 (8): 737–764. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1520-6793(199712)14:8<737::AID-MAR2>3.0.CO;2-F
    Lee D J, Pae J H, Wong Y. A model of close business relationships in China (guanxi). European Journal of Marketing, 2001, 35 (1/2): 51–69. doi: 10.1108/03090560110363346
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