A resolution of the puzzle of low Vus values from inclusive flavor-breaking sum rule analyses of hadronic τ decay data
Continuum and lattice methods are used to investigate systematic issues in the sum rule determination of Vus using inclusive hadronic τ decay data. Results for Vus employing assumptions for D>4 OPE contributions used in previous conventional implementations of this approach are shown to display unphysical dependence on the sum rule weight, w, and choice of upper limit, s0, of the relevant experimental spectral integrals. Continuum and lattice results suggest a new implementation of the sum rule approach with not just |Vus|, but also D>4 effective condensates fit to data. Lattice results are also shown to provide a quantitative assessment of truncation uncertainties for the slowly converging D=2 OPE series. The new sum rule implementation yields |Vus| results free of unphysical s0- and w-dependences and ~0.002 0 higher than that obtained using the conventional implementation. With preliminary new experimental results for the Kπ branching fraction, the resulting |Vus| is in excellent agreement with that based on Kl3, and compatible within errors with expectations from three-family unitarity.