Dirac’s theorem states that if a graph
G on
n vertices has a minimum degree of at least
\displaystyle \fracn2, then
G contains a Hamiltonian cycle. Bohman et al. introduced the random perturbed graph model and proved that for any constant
\alpha > 0 and a graph
H with a minimum degree of at least
\alpha n , there exists a constant
C depending on
α such that for any
p \geqslant \dfracCn,
H \cup G_n,p is asymptotically almost surely (a.a.s.) Hamiltonian. In this study, the random perturbed digraph model is considered, and we show that for all
\alpha = \omega \left( \left( \dfrac\log nn \right)^\textstyle1 \over 4 \right) and
d \in \ 1,2\, the union of a digraph on
n vertices with a minimum degree of at least
\alpha n and a random
d-regular digraph on
n vertices is a.a.s. pancyclic. Moreover, a polynomial-time algorithm is proposed to find cycles of any length in such a digraph.