ISSN 0253-2778

CN 34-1054/N

Open AccessOpen Access JUSTC Original Paper

Nondestructive testing of grating imperfections using grating-based X-ray phase-contrast imaging

Funds:  Supported by the Major State Basic Research Development Program (2012CB825800), the Science Fund for Creative Research Groups (11321503), the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KJCX2-YW-N42), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11179004, 10979055, 11205189, and 11205157) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (WK2310000021).
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  • Author Bio:

    ZHANG Can, male, born in 1993, master. Research field: X-ray phase-contrast imaging. E-mail:

  • Corresponding author: LIU Gang
  • Received Date: 04 March 2016
  • Accepted Date: 16 May 2016
  • Rev Recd Date: 16 May 2016
  • Publish Date: 30 August 2016
  • We reported the usage of grating-based X-ray phase-contrast imaging in nondestructive testing of grating imperfections. It was found that electroplating flaws could be easily detected by conventional absorption signal, and in particular, we observed that the grating defects resulting from uneven ultraviolet exposure could be clearly discriminated with phase-contrast signal. The experimental results demonstrate that grating-based X-ray phase-contrast imaging, with a conventional low-brilliance X-ray source, a large field of view and a reasonable compact setup, which simultaneously yields phase- and attenuation-contrast signal of the sample, can be ready-to-use in fast nondestructive testing of various imperfections in gratings and other similar photoetching products.
    We reported the usage of grating-based X-ray phase-contrast imaging in nondestructive testing of grating imperfections. It was found that electroplating flaws could be easily detected by conventional absorption signal, and in particular, we observed that the grating defects resulting from uneven ultraviolet exposure could be clearly discriminated with phase-contrast signal. The experimental results demonstrate that grating-based X-ray phase-contrast imaging, with a conventional low-brilliance X-ray source, a large field of view and a reasonable compact setup, which simultaneously yields phase- and attenuation-contrast signal of the sample, can be ready-to-use in fast nondestructive testing of various imperfections in gratings and other similar photoetching products.
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  • [1]
    LEWIS R A. Medical phase contrast X-ray imaging: Current status and future prospects[J]. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2004, 49(16): 3 573-3 583.
    MOMOSE A. Recent advances in X-ray phase imaging[J]. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2005, 44(9R): 6 355.
    ZHOU S A, BRAHME A. Development of phase-contrast X-ray imaging techniques and potential medical applications[J]. Physica Medica, 2008, 24(3): 129-148.
    BRAVIN A, COAN P, SUORTTI P. X-ray phase-contrast imaging: From pre-clinical applications towards clinics[J]. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2012, 58(1): R1.
    MOMOSE A, TAKEDA T, ITAI Y, et al. Phase-contrast X-ray computed tomography for observing biological soft tissues[J]. Nature Medicine, 1996, 2(4): 473-475.
    WILKINS S W, GUREYEV T E, GAO D, et al. Phase-contrast imaging using polychromatic hard X-rays[J]. Nature, 1996, 384(6607): 335-338.
    NUGENT K A, GUREYEV T E, COOKSON D F, et al. Quantitative phase imaging using hard X rays[J]. Physical Review Letters, 1996, 77(14): 2 961-2 964.
    DAVIS T J, GAO D, GUREYEV T E, et al. Phase-contrast imaging of weakly absorbing materials using hard X-rays[J]. Nature, 1995, 373(6515): 595-598.
    CHAPMAN D, THOMLINSON W, JOHNSTON R E, et al. Diffraction enhanced x-ray imaging[J]. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 1997, 42(11): 2 015-2 025.
    DAVID C, NHAMMER B, SOLAK H H, et al. Differential x-ray phase contrast imaging using a shearing interferometer[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2002, 81(17): 3 287-3 289.
    MOMOSE A, KAWAMOTO S, KOYAMA I, et al. Demonstration of X-ray Talbot interferometry[J]. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2003, 42(7B): L866.
    MOMOSE A, TAKEDA T, ITAI Y. Blood vessels: Depiction at phase-contrast X-ray imaging without contrast agents in the mouse and rat—feasibility study 1[J]. Radiology, 2000, 217(2): 593-596.
    MORI K, SEKINE N, SATO H, et al. Application of synchrotron X-ray imaging to phase objects in orthopedics[J]. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2002, 9(3): 143-147.
    MOMOSE A. Phase-sensitive imaging and phase tomography using X-ray interferometers[J]. Optics Express, 2003, 11(19): 2 303-2 314.
    MUEHLEMAN C, SUMNER D R, ZHONG Z. Refraction effects of diffraction-enhanced radiographic imaging: A new look at bone[J]. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 2004, 94(5): 453-455.
    KITCHEN M J, LEWIS R A, YAGI N, et al. Phase contrast X-ray imaging of mice and rabbit lungs: A comparative study[J]. The British Journal of Radiology, 2014, 78(935): 1 009-1 017.
    PFEIFFER F, BUNK O, DAVID C, et al. High-resolution brain tumor visualization using three-dimensional x-ray phase contrast tomography[J]. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2007, 52(23): 6 923-6 930.
    SCHULZ G, WEITKAMP T, ZANETTE I, et al. High-resolution tomographic imaging of a human cerebellum: Comparison of absorption and grating-based phase contrast[J]. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 2010, 7(53): 1 665-1 676.
    TANG L, LI G, SUN Y S, et al. Synchrotron-radiation phase-contrast imaging of human stomach and gastric cancer: in vitro studies[J]. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2012, 19(3): 319-322.
    PFEIFFER F, WEITKAMP T, BUNK O, et al. Phase retrieval and differential phase-contrast imaging with low-brilliance X-ray sources[J]. Nature Physics, 2006, 2(4): 258-261.
    STUTMAN D, BECK T J, CARRINO J A, et al. Talbot phase-contrast x-ray imaging for the small joints of the hand[J]. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2011, 56(17): 5 697-5 720.
    ZANETTE I, WEITKAMP T, LE DUC G, et al. X-ray grating-based phase tomography for 3D histology[J]. RSC Advances, 2013, 3(43): 19 816-19 819.
    MLLER M, YAROSHENKO A, VELROYEN A, et al. Contrast-to-noise ratio optimization for a prototype phase-contrast computed tomography scanner[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2015, 86(12): 123705.
    TANAKA J, NAGASHIMA M, KIDO K, et al. Cadaveric and in vivo human joint imaging based on differential phase contrast by X-ray Talbot-Lau interferometry[J]. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 2013, 23(3): 222-227.
    MEINEL F G, SCHWAB F, YAROSHENKO A, et al. Lung tumors on multimodal radiographs derived from grating-based X-ray imaging: A feasibility study[J]. Physica Medica, 2014, 30(3): 352-357.
    MOMOSE A, YASHIRO W, KIDO K, et al. X-ray phase imaging: from synchrotron to hospital[J]. Phil Trans R Soc A, 2014, 372(2010): 20130023.
    HERZEN J, WILLNER M S, FINGERLE A A, et al. Imaging liver lesions using grating-based phase-contrast computed tomography with bi-lateral filter post-processing[J]. PloS One, 2014, 9(1): e83369.
    WILLNER M, HERZEN J, GRANDL S, et al. Quantitative breast tissue characterization using grating-based x-ray phase-contrast imaging[J]. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2014, 59(7): 1 557.
    UEHARA M, YASHIRO W, MOMOSE A. Effectiveness of X-ray grating interferometry for non-destructive inspection of packaged devices[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 114(13): 134901.
    NIELSEN M S, LAURIDSEN T, CHRISTENSEN L B, et al. X-ray dark-field imaging for detection of foreign bodies in food[J]. Food Control, 2013, 30(2): 531-535.
    HUANG Z F, KANG K J, ZHANG L, et al. Alternative method for differential phase-contrast imaging with weakly coherent hard x rays[J]. Physical Review A, 2009, 79(1): 013815.
    CREATH K. V phase-measurement interferometry techniques[J]. Progress in Optics, 1988, 26: 349-393.
    WANG S, HAN H, GAO K, et al. A LabVIEW based user-friendly X-ray phase-contrast imaging system software platform[DB/OL]. arXiv:1404.7383.
    DONATH T, CHABIOR M, PFEIFFER F, et al. Inverse geometry for grating-based x-ray phase-contrast imaging[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2009, 106(5): 054703.
    DEL CAMPO A, GREINER C. SU-8: A photoresist for high-aspect-ratio and 3D submicron lithography[J]. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2007, 17(6): R81.
    DIEMOZ P C, COAN P, ZANETTE I, et al. A simplified approach for computed tomography with an X-ray grating interferometer[J]. Optics Express, 2011, 19(3): 1 691-1 698.
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    LEWIS R A. Medical phase contrast X-ray imaging: Current status and future prospects[J]. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2004, 49(16): 3 573-3 583.
    MOMOSE A. Recent advances in X-ray phase imaging[J]. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2005, 44(9R): 6 355.
    ZHOU S A, BRAHME A. Development of phase-contrast X-ray imaging techniques and potential medical applications[J]. Physica Medica, 2008, 24(3): 129-148.
    BRAVIN A, COAN P, SUORTTI P. X-ray phase-contrast imaging: From pre-clinical applications towards clinics[J]. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2012, 58(1): R1.
    MOMOSE A, TAKEDA T, ITAI Y, et al. Phase-contrast X-ray computed tomography for observing biological soft tissues[J]. Nature Medicine, 1996, 2(4): 473-475.
    WILKINS S W, GUREYEV T E, GAO D, et al. Phase-contrast imaging using polychromatic hard X-rays[J]. Nature, 1996, 384(6607): 335-338.
    NUGENT K A, GUREYEV T E, COOKSON D F, et al. Quantitative phase imaging using hard X rays[J]. Physical Review Letters, 1996, 77(14): 2 961-2 964.
    DAVIS T J, GAO D, GUREYEV T E, et al. Phase-contrast imaging of weakly absorbing materials using hard X-rays[J]. Nature, 1995, 373(6515): 595-598.
    CHAPMAN D, THOMLINSON W, JOHNSTON R E, et al. Diffraction enhanced x-ray imaging[J]. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 1997, 42(11): 2 015-2 025.
    DAVID C, NHAMMER B, SOLAK H H, et al. Differential x-ray phase contrast imaging using a shearing interferometer[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2002, 81(17): 3 287-3 289.
    MOMOSE A, KAWAMOTO S, KOYAMA I, et al. Demonstration of X-ray Talbot interferometry[J]. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2003, 42(7B): L866.
    MOMOSE A, TAKEDA T, ITAI Y. Blood vessels: Depiction at phase-contrast X-ray imaging without contrast agents in the mouse and rat—feasibility study 1[J]. Radiology, 2000, 217(2): 593-596.
    MORI K, SEKINE N, SATO H, et al. Application of synchrotron X-ray imaging to phase objects in orthopedics[J]. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2002, 9(3): 143-147.
    MOMOSE A. Phase-sensitive imaging and phase tomography using X-ray interferometers[J]. Optics Express, 2003, 11(19): 2 303-2 314.
    MUEHLEMAN C, SUMNER D R, ZHONG Z. Refraction effects of diffraction-enhanced radiographic imaging: A new look at bone[J]. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 2004, 94(5): 453-455.
    KITCHEN M J, LEWIS R A, YAGI N, et al. Phase contrast X-ray imaging of mice and rabbit lungs: A comparative study[J]. The British Journal of Radiology, 2014, 78(935): 1 009-1 017.
    PFEIFFER F, BUNK O, DAVID C, et al. High-resolution brain tumor visualization using three-dimensional x-ray phase contrast tomography[J]. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2007, 52(23): 6 923-6 930.
    SCHULZ G, WEITKAMP T, ZANETTE I, et al. High-resolution tomographic imaging of a human cerebellum: Comparison of absorption and grating-based phase contrast[J]. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 2010, 7(53): 1 665-1 676.
    TANG L, LI G, SUN Y S, et al. Synchrotron-radiation phase-contrast imaging of human stomach and gastric cancer: in vitro studies[J]. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2012, 19(3): 319-322.
    PFEIFFER F, WEITKAMP T, BUNK O, et al. Phase retrieval and differential phase-contrast imaging with low-brilliance X-ray sources[J]. Nature Physics, 2006, 2(4): 258-261.
    STUTMAN D, BECK T J, CARRINO J A, et al. Talbot phase-contrast x-ray imaging for the small joints of the hand[J]. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2011, 56(17): 5 697-5 720.
    ZANETTE I, WEITKAMP T, LE DUC G, et al. X-ray grating-based phase tomography for 3D histology[J]. RSC Advances, 2013, 3(43): 19 816-19 819.
    MLLER M, YAROSHENKO A, VELROYEN A, et al. Contrast-to-noise ratio optimization for a prototype phase-contrast computed tomography scanner[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2015, 86(12): 123705.
    TANAKA J, NAGASHIMA M, KIDO K, et al. Cadaveric and in vivo human joint imaging based on differential phase contrast by X-ray Talbot-Lau interferometry[J]. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 2013, 23(3): 222-227.
    MEINEL F G, SCHWAB F, YAROSHENKO A, et al. Lung tumors on multimodal radiographs derived from grating-based X-ray imaging: A feasibility study[J]. Physica Medica, 2014, 30(3): 352-357.
    MOMOSE A, YASHIRO W, KIDO K, et al. X-ray phase imaging: from synchrotron to hospital[J]. Phil Trans R Soc A, 2014, 372(2010): 20130023.
    HERZEN J, WILLNER M S, FINGERLE A A, et al. Imaging liver lesions using grating-based phase-contrast computed tomography with bi-lateral filter post-processing[J]. PloS One, 2014, 9(1): e83369.
    WILLNER M, HERZEN J, GRANDL S, et al. Quantitative breast tissue characterization using grating-based x-ray phase-contrast imaging[J]. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2014, 59(7): 1 557.
    UEHARA M, YASHIRO W, MOMOSE A. Effectiveness of X-ray grating interferometry for non-destructive inspection of packaged devices[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 114(13): 134901.
    NIELSEN M S, LAURIDSEN T, CHRISTENSEN L B, et al. X-ray dark-field imaging for detection of foreign bodies in food[J]. Food Control, 2013, 30(2): 531-535.
    HUANG Z F, KANG K J, ZHANG L, et al. Alternative method for differential phase-contrast imaging with weakly coherent hard x rays[J]. Physical Review A, 2009, 79(1): 013815.
    CREATH K. V phase-measurement interferometry techniques[J]. Progress in Optics, 1988, 26: 349-393.
    WANG S, HAN H, GAO K, et al. A LabVIEW based user-friendly X-ray phase-contrast imaging system software platform[DB/OL]. arXiv:1404.7383.
    DONATH T, CHABIOR M, PFEIFFER F, et al. Inverse geometry for grating-based x-ray phase-contrast imaging[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2009, 106(5): 054703.
    DEL CAMPO A, GREINER C. SU-8: A photoresist for high-aspect-ratio and 3D submicron lithography[J]. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2007, 17(6): R81.
    DIEMOZ P C, COAN P, ZANETTE I, et al. A simplified approach for computed tomography with an X-ray grating interferometer[J]. Optics Express, 2011, 19(3): 1 691-1 698.

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