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New Physics searches with muons: Theoretical review

Funds:  Supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
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  • Corresponding author: CZARNECKI A. (corresponding author), PhD/Prof. Research field: high energy physics. E-mail:
  • Received Date: 14 September 2015
  • Accepted Date: 20 April 2016
  • Rev Recd Date: 20 April 2016
  • Publish Date: 31 May 2016
  • We summarize current issues related to New Physics searches with muons with focuses on the ratio of magnetic moments of the muon and the proton, needed for the muon gμ-2 determination; on using the bound-electron g-2 to help independently check the persisting discrepancy between the measured gμ-2 and the Standard Model; and on the bound-muon decay as a background for the muon-electron conversion.
    We summarize current issues related to New Physics searches with muons with focuses on the ratio of magnetic moments of the muon and the proton, needed for the muon gμ-2 determination; on using the bound-electron g-2 to help independently check the persisting discrepancy between the measured gμ-2 and the Standard Model; and on the bound-muon decay as a background for the muon-electron conversion.
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    GORRINGE T P, HERTZOG D W. Precision muon physics[J]. Prog Part Nucl Phys, 2015, 84: 73-123.
    MARCIANO W J. The muon: A laboratory for “New Physics”[J]. J Phys G, 2003, 29: 23-29.
    KUNO Y. Rare lepton decays[J]. Prog Part Nucl Phys, 2015, 82:1-20.
    MILLER J P, DE RAFAEL E, ROBERTS B L, et al. Muon (g-2): Experiment and theory[J]. Ann Rev Nucl Part Sci, 2012, 62: 237-264.
    BENNETT G W, BOUSQUET B, BROWN H N, et al. Final report of the muon E821 anomalous magnetic moment measurement at BNL[J]. Phys Rev D, 2006, 73: 072003.
    WEST A. Lepton dipole moments[DB/OL]. arXiv:1607.00925.
    BENAYOUN M, BIJNENS J, BLUM T, et al. Hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment Workshop. (g-2)μ: Quo vadis? Workshop. Mini proceedings[DB/OL]. arXiv:1407.4021.
    MASJUAN P. Overview of the hadronic light-by-light contribution to the muon g-2[J]. Nucl Part Phys Proc, 2015, 260: 111-115.
    GRANGE J. Muon (g-2) technical design report[R]. Argonne, IL: Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), 2015.
    IINUMA H. New approach to the muon g-2 and EDM experiment at J-PARC[J]. J Phys Conf Ser, 2011, 295: 012032.
    COMBLEY F, FARLEY F J M, PICASSO E. The CERN muon (g-2) experiments[J]. Phys Rept, 1981, 68: 93-119.
    TORII H A, AOKI M, FUKAO Y, et al. Precise measurement of muonium HFS at J-PARC MUSE[J]. JPS Conf Proc, 2015, 8: 025018.
    GABRIELSE G. Measurements of the electron magnetic moment[J].Adv Ser Direct High Energy Phys, 2009, 20: 157-194.
    BIRABEN F. Spectroscopy of atomic hydrogen[J]. Eur Phys J Special Topics, 2009, 172: 109-119.
    BOUCHENDIRA R, CLAD P, GUELLATI-KHLIFA S, et al. State of the art in the determination of the fine structure constant: test of quantum electrodynamics and determination of h=mu[J]. Ann Phys, 2013, 525: 484-492.
    CZARNECKI A. Particle physics: A finer constant[J]. Nature, 2006, 442: 516-517.
    YEROKHIN V A, BERSENEVA E, HARMAN Z, et al. The g-factor of light ions for an improved determination of the fine-structure constant[DB/OL]. arXiv:1509.08260.
    IWAMOTO T. LFV: mu-e gamma experiment[J]. Nucl Part Phys Proc, 2015, 265-266: 320-322.
    BERGER N. The Mu3e experiment[J]. Nucl Phys Proc Suppl, 2014, 248-250: 35-40.
    NAKATSUGAWA Y. Search for muon to electron conversion at J-PARC MLF : Recent status on DeeMe[J].PoS, 2015: PoS(NUFACT2014)093.
    BROWN D. The Mu2e Experiment: Searching for muon to electron conversion[J]. Nucl Part Phys Proc, 2015, 260: 151-154.
    LITCHFIELD P. COMET Phase-Ⅰ[J]. PoS, 2015: PoS(NUFACT2014)109.
    BREIT G, RABI I I. Measurement of nuclear spin[J]. Phys Rev, 1931, 38: 2082-2083.
    EIDES M I, GROTCH H. Gyromagnetic ratios of bound particles[J]. Ann Phys, 1997, 260: 191-200.
    PRIGL R, HAEBERLEN U, JUNGMANN K, et al. A high precision magnetometer based on pulsed NMR[J]. NIMA, 1996, 374: 118-126.
    WINKLER P F, KLEPPNER D, MYINT T, et al. Magnetic moment of the proton in Bohr magnetons[J]. Physical Review A, 1972, 5: 83-114.
    PHILLIPS W D, COOKE W E, KLEPPNER D. Magnetic moment of the proton in H2O in Bohr magnetons[J]. Metrologia, 1977, 13: 179-195.
    STURM S, KHLER F, ZATORSKI J, et al. High-precision measurement of the atomic mass of the electron[J]. Nature, 2014, 506: 467-470.
    PACHUCKI K, JENTSCHURA U D, YEROKHIN V A. Nonrelativistic QED approach to the bound-electron g factor[J]. Phys Rev Lett, 2004, 93:150401(Erratum: Phys Rev Lett, 2005, 94: 229902).
    PACHUCKI K, CZARNECKI A, JENTSCHURA U D, et al. Complete two-loop correction to the bound-electron g factor[J]. Phys Rev A, 2005, 72: 022108.
    BREIT G. The magnetic moment of the electron[J]. Nature, 1928, 122: 649.
    SCHWINGER J S. On quantum electrodynamics and the magnetic moment of the electron[J]. Phys Rev, 1948, 73: 416-417.
    KARPLUS R, KROLL N M. Fourth-order corrections in quantum electrodynamics and the magnetic moment of the electron[J]. Phys Rev, 1950, 77: 536-549.
    PETERMANN A. Fourth order magnetic moment of the electron[J]. Helv Phys Acta, 1957, 30: 407-408.
    SOMMERFIELD C M. Magnetic dipole moment of the electron[J]. Phys Rev, 1957, 107: 328-329.
    AOYAMA T, HAYAKAWA M, KINOSHITA T, et al. Tenth-order QED contribution to the electron g-2 and an improved value of the fine structure constant[J]. Phys Rev Lett, 2012, 109: 111807.
    GROTCH H. Electron g factor in hydrogenic atoms[J]. Phys Rev Lett, 1970, 24: 39-42.
    CZARNECKI A, MELNIKOV K, YELKHOVSKY A. Anomalous magnetic moment of a bound electron[J]. Phys Rev A, 2001, 63: 012509.
    YEROKHIN V A, INDELICATO P, SHABAEV V M. Evaluation of the self-energy correction to the g factor of S states in H-like ions[J]. Phys Rev A, 2004, 69: 052503.
    BEIER T. The gj factor of a bound electron and the hyperfine structure splitting in hydrogenlike atoms[J]. Phys Rep, 2000, 339: 79-213.
    LEE R N, MILSTEIN A I, TEREKHOV I S, et al. Virtual light-by-light scattering and the g factor of a bound electron[J]. Phys Rev A, 2005, 71: 052501.
    SHABAEV V M, YEROKHIN V A. Recoil correction to the bound electron g factor in H-like atoms to all orders in αZ [J]. Phys Rev Lett, 2002, 88: 091801.
    YELKHOVSKY A. Recoil correction to the magnetic moment of a bound electron[DB/OL]. hep-ph/0108091.
    PACHUCKI K. Nuclear mass correction to the magnetic interaction of atomic systems[J]. Phys Rev A, 2008, 78: 012504.
    STURM S, WAGNER A, KRETZSCHMAR M, et al. g-factor measurement of hydrogenlike 28Si3+ as a challenge to QED calculations[J]. Phys Rev A, 2013, 87: 030501(R).
    SZAFRON R. Bound muon decay[J]. Acta Phys Polon B, 2015, 46: 2279-2284.
    SZAFRON R, CZARNECKI A. High-energy electrons from the muon decay in orbit: Radiative corrections[DB/OL]. arXiv: 1505.05237.
    SZAFRON R. Rare muon decays[J]. Acta Phys Polon B, 2013, 44: 2289-2294.
    WEBBER D, TISHCHENKO V, PENG Q, et al (MuLan Collaboration). Measurement of the positive muon lifetime and determination of the Fermi constant to part-per-million precision[J]. Phys Rev Lett, 2011, 106: 041803.
    SHANKER O. High-energy electrons from bound-muon decay[J]. Phys Rev D, 1982, 25: 1847-1853.
    BERESTETSKY V B, LIFSHITZ E M, PITAEVSKY L P. Quantum Electrodynamics[M]. Oxford: Pergamon, 1982.
    YENNIE D R, FRAUTSCHI S C, SUURA H. The infrared divergence phenomena and high-energy processes[J]. Ann Phys, 1961, 13: 379-452.
    KUNO Y. A search for muon-to-electron conversion at J-PARC: The COMET experiment[J]. PTEP, 2013, 2013: 022C01.
    BROWN D. Mu2e, a coherent μ→e conversion experiment at Fermilab[J]. AIP Conf Proc, 2012, 1441: 596-598.
    SZAFRON R, CZARNECKI A. Shape function in QED and bound muon decays[J]. Phys Rev D, 2015, 92: 053004.
    CZARNECKI A, DOWLING M, GARCIA I TORMO X, et al. Michel decay spectrum for a muon bound to a nucleus[J]. Phys Rev D, 2014, 90: 093002.
    NEUBERT M. Analysis of the photon spectrum in inclusive B→Xsγ decays[J]. Phys Rev D, 1994, 49: 4 623-4 633.
    NEUBERT M. QCD based interpretation of the lepton spectrum in inclusive B→Xul decays[J]. Phys Rev D, 1994, 49: 3 392-3 398.
    BIGI I I, SHIFMAN M A, URALTSEV N G, et al. On the motion of heavy quarks inside hadrons: universal distributions and inclusive decays[J]. Int J Mod Phys A, 1994, 9: 2 467-2 504.
    MANNEL T, NEUBERT M. Resummation of nonperturbative corrections to the lepton spectrum in inclusive B→Xql decays[J]. Phys Rev D, 1994, 50: 2 037-2 047.
    BENEKE M, ROTHSTEIN I Z, WISE M B. Kinematic enhancement of nonperturbative corrections to quarkonium production[J]. Phys Lett B, 1997, 408: 373-380.
    BENEKE M, SCHULER G, WOLF S. Quarkonium momentum distributions in photoproduction and B decay[J]. Phys Rev D, 2000, 62: 034004.
    JIN C, PASCHOS E A. Radiatively corrected semileptonic spectra in B meson decays[J]. Eur Phys J C, 1998, 1: 523-529.
    CZARNECKI A, GARCIA I TORMO X, MARCIANO W J. Muon decay in orbit: Spectrum of high-energy electrons[J]. Phys Rev D, 2011, 84: 013006.
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    GORRINGE T P, HERTZOG D W. Precision muon physics[J]. Prog Part Nucl Phys, 2015, 84: 73-123.
    MARCIANO W J. The muon: A laboratory for “New Physics”[J]. J Phys G, 2003, 29: 23-29.
    KUNO Y. Rare lepton decays[J]. Prog Part Nucl Phys, 2015, 82:1-20.
    MILLER J P, DE RAFAEL E, ROBERTS B L, et al. Muon (g-2): Experiment and theory[J]. Ann Rev Nucl Part Sci, 2012, 62: 237-264.
    BENNETT G W, BOUSQUET B, BROWN H N, et al. Final report of the muon E821 anomalous magnetic moment measurement at BNL[J]. Phys Rev D, 2006, 73: 072003.
    WEST A. Lepton dipole moments[DB/OL]. arXiv:1607.00925.
    BENAYOUN M, BIJNENS J, BLUM T, et al. Hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment Workshop. (g-2)μ: Quo vadis? Workshop. Mini proceedings[DB/OL]. arXiv:1407.4021.
    MASJUAN P. Overview of the hadronic light-by-light contribution to the muon g-2[J]. Nucl Part Phys Proc, 2015, 260: 111-115.
    GRANGE J. Muon (g-2) technical design report[R]. Argonne, IL: Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), 2015.
    IINUMA H. New approach to the muon g-2 and EDM experiment at J-PARC[J]. J Phys Conf Ser, 2011, 295: 012032.
    COMBLEY F, FARLEY F J M, PICASSO E. The CERN muon (g-2) experiments[J]. Phys Rept, 1981, 68: 93-119.
    TORII H A, AOKI M, FUKAO Y, et al. Precise measurement of muonium HFS at J-PARC MUSE[J]. JPS Conf Proc, 2015, 8: 025018.
    GABRIELSE G. Measurements of the electron magnetic moment[J].Adv Ser Direct High Energy Phys, 2009, 20: 157-194.
    BIRABEN F. Spectroscopy of atomic hydrogen[J]. Eur Phys J Special Topics, 2009, 172: 109-119.
    BOUCHENDIRA R, CLAD P, GUELLATI-KHLIFA S, et al. State of the art in the determination of the fine structure constant: test of quantum electrodynamics and determination of h=mu[J]. Ann Phys, 2013, 525: 484-492.
    CZARNECKI A. Particle physics: A finer constant[J]. Nature, 2006, 442: 516-517.
    YEROKHIN V A, BERSENEVA E, HARMAN Z, et al. The g-factor of light ions for an improved determination of the fine-structure constant[DB/OL]. arXiv:1509.08260.
    IWAMOTO T. LFV: mu-e gamma experiment[J]. Nucl Part Phys Proc, 2015, 265-266: 320-322.
    BERGER N. The Mu3e experiment[J]. Nucl Phys Proc Suppl, 2014, 248-250: 35-40.
    NAKATSUGAWA Y. Search for muon to electron conversion at J-PARC MLF : Recent status on DeeMe[J].PoS, 2015: PoS(NUFACT2014)093.
    BROWN D. The Mu2e Experiment: Searching for muon to electron conversion[J]. Nucl Part Phys Proc, 2015, 260: 151-154.
    LITCHFIELD P. COMET Phase-Ⅰ[J]. PoS, 2015: PoS(NUFACT2014)109.
    BREIT G, RABI I I. Measurement of nuclear spin[J]. Phys Rev, 1931, 38: 2082-2083.
    EIDES M I, GROTCH H. Gyromagnetic ratios of bound particles[J]. Ann Phys, 1997, 260: 191-200.
    PRIGL R, HAEBERLEN U, JUNGMANN K, et al. A high precision magnetometer based on pulsed NMR[J]. NIMA, 1996, 374: 118-126.
    WINKLER P F, KLEPPNER D, MYINT T, et al. Magnetic moment of the proton in Bohr magnetons[J]. Physical Review A, 1972, 5: 83-114.
    PHILLIPS W D, COOKE W E, KLEPPNER D. Magnetic moment of the proton in H2O in Bohr magnetons[J]. Metrologia, 1977, 13: 179-195.
    STURM S, KHLER F, ZATORSKI J, et al. High-precision measurement of the atomic mass of the electron[J]. Nature, 2014, 506: 467-470.
    PACHUCKI K, JENTSCHURA U D, YEROKHIN V A. Nonrelativistic QED approach to the bound-electron g factor[J]. Phys Rev Lett, 2004, 93:150401(Erratum: Phys Rev Lett, 2005, 94: 229902).
    PACHUCKI K, CZARNECKI A, JENTSCHURA U D, et al. Complete two-loop correction to the bound-electron g factor[J]. Phys Rev A, 2005, 72: 022108.
    BREIT G. The magnetic moment of the electron[J]. Nature, 1928, 122: 649.
    SCHWINGER J S. On quantum electrodynamics and the magnetic moment of the electron[J]. Phys Rev, 1948, 73: 416-417.
    KARPLUS R, KROLL N M. Fourth-order corrections in quantum electrodynamics and the magnetic moment of the electron[J]. Phys Rev, 1950, 77: 536-549.
    PETERMANN A. Fourth order magnetic moment of the electron[J]. Helv Phys Acta, 1957, 30: 407-408.
    SOMMERFIELD C M. Magnetic dipole moment of the electron[J]. Phys Rev, 1957, 107: 328-329.
    AOYAMA T, HAYAKAWA M, KINOSHITA T, et al. Tenth-order QED contribution to the electron g-2 and an improved value of the fine structure constant[J]. Phys Rev Lett, 2012, 109: 111807.
    GROTCH H. Electron g factor in hydrogenic atoms[J]. Phys Rev Lett, 1970, 24: 39-42.
    CZARNECKI A, MELNIKOV K, YELKHOVSKY A. Anomalous magnetic moment of a bound electron[J]. Phys Rev A, 2001, 63: 012509.
    YEROKHIN V A, INDELICATO P, SHABAEV V M. Evaluation of the self-energy correction to the g factor of S states in H-like ions[J]. Phys Rev A, 2004, 69: 052503.
    BEIER T. The gj factor of a bound electron and the hyperfine structure splitting in hydrogenlike atoms[J]. Phys Rep, 2000, 339: 79-213.
    LEE R N, MILSTEIN A I, TEREKHOV I S, et al. Virtual light-by-light scattering and the g factor of a bound electron[J]. Phys Rev A, 2005, 71: 052501.
    SHABAEV V M, YEROKHIN V A. Recoil correction to the bound electron g factor in H-like atoms to all orders in αZ [J]. Phys Rev Lett, 2002, 88: 091801.
    YELKHOVSKY A. Recoil correction to the magnetic moment of a bound electron[DB/OL]. hep-ph/0108091.
    PACHUCKI K. Nuclear mass correction to the magnetic interaction of atomic systems[J]. Phys Rev A, 2008, 78: 012504.
    STURM S, WAGNER A, KRETZSCHMAR M, et al. g-factor measurement of hydrogenlike 28Si3+ as a challenge to QED calculations[J]. Phys Rev A, 2013, 87: 030501(R).
    SZAFRON R. Bound muon decay[J]. Acta Phys Polon B, 2015, 46: 2279-2284.
    SZAFRON R, CZARNECKI A. High-energy electrons from the muon decay in orbit: Radiative corrections[DB/OL]. arXiv: 1505.05237.
    SZAFRON R. Rare muon decays[J]. Acta Phys Polon B, 2013, 44: 2289-2294.
    WEBBER D, TISHCHENKO V, PENG Q, et al (MuLan Collaboration). Measurement of the positive muon lifetime and determination of the Fermi constant to part-per-million precision[J]. Phys Rev Lett, 2011, 106: 041803.
    SHANKER O. High-energy electrons from bound-muon decay[J]. Phys Rev D, 1982, 25: 1847-1853.
    BERESTETSKY V B, LIFSHITZ E M, PITAEVSKY L P. Quantum Electrodynamics[M]. Oxford: Pergamon, 1982.
    YENNIE D R, FRAUTSCHI S C, SUURA H. The infrared divergence phenomena and high-energy processes[J]. Ann Phys, 1961, 13: 379-452.
    KUNO Y. A search for muon-to-electron conversion at J-PARC: The COMET experiment[J]. PTEP, 2013, 2013: 022C01.
    BROWN D. Mu2e, a coherent μ→e conversion experiment at Fermilab[J]. AIP Conf Proc, 2012, 1441: 596-598.
    SZAFRON R, CZARNECKI A. Shape function in QED and bound muon decays[J]. Phys Rev D, 2015, 92: 053004.
    CZARNECKI A, DOWLING M, GARCIA I TORMO X, et al. Michel decay spectrum for a muon bound to a nucleus[J]. Phys Rev D, 2014, 90: 093002.
    NEUBERT M. Analysis of the photon spectrum in inclusive B→Xsγ decays[J]. Phys Rev D, 1994, 49: 4 623-4 633.
    NEUBERT M. QCD based interpretation of the lepton spectrum in inclusive B→Xul decays[J]. Phys Rev D, 1994, 49: 3 392-3 398.
    BIGI I I, SHIFMAN M A, URALTSEV N G, et al. On the motion of heavy quarks inside hadrons: universal distributions and inclusive decays[J]. Int J Mod Phys A, 1994, 9: 2 467-2 504.
    MANNEL T, NEUBERT M. Resummation of nonperturbative corrections to the lepton spectrum in inclusive B→Xql decays[J]. Phys Rev D, 1994, 50: 2 037-2 047.
    BENEKE M, ROTHSTEIN I Z, WISE M B. Kinematic enhancement of nonperturbative corrections to quarkonium production[J]. Phys Lett B, 1997, 408: 373-380.
    BENEKE M, SCHULER G, WOLF S. Quarkonium momentum distributions in photoproduction and B decay[J]. Phys Rev D, 2000, 62: 034004.
    JIN C, PASCHOS E A. Radiatively corrected semileptonic spectra in B meson decays[J]. Eur Phys J C, 1998, 1: 523-529.
    CZARNECKI A, GARCIA I TORMO X, MARCIANO W J. Muon decay in orbit: Spectrum of high-energy electrons[J]. Phys Rev D, 2011, 84: 013006.

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